What This World Needs Is a Good Story of a Cowboy Fighting a Dragon

I thought I’d give my fantasy western short story one more shot before moving on. Thus, I’ve submitted to the Baen’s Universe (an SF magazine) one more time.
You can read it here and comment on it here. Please do read and comment on it (it takes a short registration) as it makes me look good and helps get me noticed (and you get to see my last name for the curious). I’ll always keep blogging, but I need to get some traditional writer bona fides. I know you all want to help me as then you’ll be able to say to people, “I was reading Frank J. back when he was only somewhat famous; you only knew him after he was super-famous.”


  1. Uhh, no, doubletrouble. You screwed up. It’s King’s “Dark Tower” series and the first one is “The Gunslinger.” While “Eyes of the Dragon” shares with “The Dark Tower,” all of King’s work generally ties back to it in some way or another.

  2. WOW, this is some good storytelling Frank. It’s like you took Boothill and D&D and smashed them together, and giving Joss Whedon a run for his money as well, per Serenity. I’ll comment on the other board as well, but I just wanted to double thank you for a good read. Well done!:thumbsup:
    Best Line: “Prairie elves can be such pests,” Shaw stated, “and shooting them gives you bad luck.”

  3. Frank,
    Good luck on the story. reads better now. I’m looking forward to hearing about you selling the book series to Hollywood and complaining about how they ruined it. I’d complain too if they cast Paul Rubens as Shaw.
    Sue the evil children of a single parents!

  4. Well, Frank, looking at that section of the Web site, yours has the most views out of all of them, so looks like you’ve done better for yourself than some of those other writers!
    Speaking of which, I was so inspired by your creative genius and overuse of guns in your stories that I remembered a story I wrote a while back and posted it just for the heck of it.
    Shameless self-advertising is fun. 😀

  5. I know I already posted, but I was so impressed with this story that I printed it out while my hubby was away getting dinner, and then when he got home, I made them turn off the TV and read the whole thing out loud. By the second to last page my oldest daughter was leaning forward in her seat in anticipation of the confrontation. My whole family is D&D (3rd edition) oriented and good storytelling is quite a talent in our eyes.
    You did good Frank. You did real good.

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