Right Wing News has his list of the 29 Worst People In America (plus 4 honorable mentions).
Matty O’Blackfive has two excellent videos: “Brokeback Zarqawi” and “Lazy Ramadi”
If you like terrorist-killin’ songs, you’ll probably like TFS Magnum’s “Die al-Qaeda” and The Outlaw Republican’s “Marines Went Down To Baghdad“
Joe Biden
Barney Frank
Helen Thomas
Arlen Specter
Olympia Snow
Terry McClauff
Paul Begaula
I might have made the list had it not ended at 29.
Maybe if it had gone to 227,963,421 worst people in America I would have been included.
But then again, that darn neighbor of mine is always trying to move higher on the list than me, so I’ll have to keep trying….
Be afraid, be very afraid…
Apes granted legal rights in Spain