Saddened by a Thieving Monkey

In Texas, a monkey was caught on security videotape stealing plants from the store Plants and Planters.

It occurred to me that there’s an analogy between this and Obama taking over GM, since the monkey reportedly said afterwards that he “doesn’t want to be in the plant business”.

Then I remembered that using “monkey” and “Obama” in the same sentence would get me tossed into a Federal Sensitivity Camp, so I’m not gonna go there.


  1. In all fairness, there is a distinct difference between monkeys & common apes; Obambi has opposable thumbs and lacks a prehensile tail (figuratively & literally, he has no spinal support for one), where as monkeys in the general sense are designed the other way around.
    The confusion is quite understandable when you consider the striking similarities between these animals: they’re both witless thieving accomplices for their handlers. But at least Obambi wears pants.

  2. That monkey is as alike to his handler….as Joe the Vice-President is to Barak Obama. Except, of course, the monkey is smarter and better trained to do as he’s told and keep his mouth shut.

  3. Basil: no, that wouldn’t work – because of the association between jackasses and Democrats (it is their party mascot, after all). You’d still get sent to the sensitivity gulag. By the way, didja hafta go and piss off the whole Ace Of Spades readership? How do you think that makes me feel, being proud of being both a ronin and a moron? Can’t we all just get along?

    Frank: “… so I’m not gonna go there.” You need a volunteer? I’ll do it.

    Zzyzx: I think the better analogy is this: Biden is to Obama as monkey is to organ grinder. Now all you have to do is deal with the mental image of Biden with a tin cup and a little red hat.

  4. Arrrrrgh….Keith….now I can’t get the image you conjured up, out of my head. I keep seeing the two of them in front of the UN building. The Prez is cranking out a snappy version of ‘Happy Days Are Here Again’ on the organ. While Biden is cavorting about with that little cap and tin cup begging for a Drachma or two from the delegates from rich countries like China, India or Bangladesh. All to earn money to help pay off the massive national debt their policies caused. Perhaps if I stare at the Evony girl’s cleavage long enough I can get rid of this image….I’ll give it a try.

  5. That monkey was liberating imprisoned plants . Those plants did not ask to be potted , they were held there against their will waiting to be sold into a life dependant on a humans. They may even be forced into a miracle grow addiction , How humiliating for those poor plants.

  6. They don’t need to throw you into a camp; the whole country has already been turned into one gigantic federal sensitivity camp.

    And BTW, you could have used the word “macaca”.

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