Allahpundit’s Rememberance of NY City on 9/11/01

Thankfully catalouged by Andy Levy. Read here.


  1. I still hate the fact that because of my disdain for TV, I didn’t learn about what happened on that day ’til the mass transit driver told me on my way to work. After that, I knew why without any doubt why I felt that democrats can’t be trusted…

    Should anyone still think that 9/11 was an inside job, fine; feel that way all you want…just give that credit where it’s due: those muslims who hijacked the airplanes had years of training under Clinton. Even when told, he did nothing. Even when told about Osama, he waffled. Even now, he thinks it was American foreign policy to blame, instead of a surprising lack of his acknowledgment of America’s self-declared enemies. Never mind that he was told repeatedly…

    Thanks, Democrat party; only 3000+ deaths for now, but I’m sure you’ll beat that record in no time, now that the perfect leftist is “in charge”.

  2. That was an extraordinary account. I have nothing to add but a visual to go along with it, chronicling the events in New York, but his is so much fuller a narrative that the video’s really just a sideline.

    Thanks for pointing out Allahpundit’s post to us, Frank.

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