Random Thoughts

When Democrats say “teabagger”, they mean “American”. They came up with the term so they can surreptitiously rant against Americans.

If John Kerry had won in 2004, John Edwards would have been one bad botox treatment away from the presidency.

Air America shutting down? People really hate liberals in this country.

I guess it’s good Al Franken already found a new job.

Liberals need to offer America something it wants. So instead making commentary to sell, make cheeseburgers. Everyone likes those.

Apparently Alan Grayson compared today’s Supreme Court decision to Dred Scott. He really is a troll commenter as Congressman.

Grayson just wants attention and he doesn’t care if it’s the good or bad kind.

Talking to satellites is hard because they move really fast and are all the way up in space.

The left seems to think the reason the American people didn’t like getting kicked in the groin is that they were doing it wrong.

So has anyone on the left fessed up the election being a complete rejection of their ideas?

I hope everyone who worked at Air America finds a job that makes them very happy and less liberal.


  1. I think Alan Greyson is Pelosi and Reid’s love child.

    Air America is shutting down? really? I didn’t know that they were still even on the air.

    liberals call real Americans “Teabagger” may I suggest we call liberals “Douchebaggers”

  2. air America is belly up and george soros lost millions!!! Bwahahahahahah!

    Grayson? is he still in congress? hasn’t he offed himself yet? slacker.

    BTW, the really delectable Michelle Malkin reminds us to be vigilant against those a***oles like mccain, graham, and voinovich. They can come back and bites us in the rump if we don’t replace them with actual conservatives. The lefturds are down, but like a snake, thay are not dead until nightfall.

    BTW BTW, the Supreame Court rocks!

  3. The left seems to think the reason the American people didn’t like getting kicked in the groin is that they were doing it wrong.

    According to Obama this week, it’s because he didn’t explain the agenda well enough. He just needs to give more interviews and speeches about how it’s good to get kicked in the groin. After a couple of years of getting kicked, you will love it.

  4. I like to call the sme;;y hippie democrats fleabaggers.

    Grayson likely needs hpuse traing, and a smack on the nose with a rolled up newspaper is effective. That also is good to stop his whining, too.

    I like that, shiggz (3) A neighborhood with Algore, Biden, Lieberman, and Edwards in a bad Stven Spielburg comedy.

  5. Liberal cheeseburgers would be made out of tofu and bean sprouts – and that’s just the burger part. The cheese would be that nonfat painted cardboard stuff and the buns would be whole-grain. Each one would cost seventeen dollars, require federal subsidy, and even if somehow one liked the taste of them, they’d be impossible to enjoy because every time they sell one they sniff disapprovingly at the customer, because fast food is so working-class.

    Oh, and they don’t serve fries or cokes, either.

  6. To follow up on Plentyobailouts’ comment, I think that’s a great plan… for conservative leaning states (and districts). But when it comes to reliably liberal states (and districts), a fiscal, limited-government conservative who supports abortion is better than a socialist, statist, liberal who supports abortion.

  7. Yes, I’m trying to shoot the gap between “Party-Purity” and “RINO’s-are-the-future-of-the-GOP”. This way conservatives keep from over-reaching, like the Dems clearly have, which will keep the liberals from consolidating power and threatening our freedoms.

  8. Liberals need to offer America something it wants.

    Yeah, I agree with this, but I also agree with #10 that Leftist Cheeseburgers ain’t it. They’ve had a tough week, so giving credit where it’s due, a few things that Liberals do well:

    * All In The Family. Norman Lear’s a long-time moonbat, but that was a pretty good TV show.
    * Bette Midler’s a moonbat, but I enjoy her singing and acting.
    * Chelsea Clinton’s personal stylist. Much better!


    @ #1 IH8S: American “Teabagger” vs. liberal “Douchebagger” is BRILLIANT! Just sayin™

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