Obama has announced a Democrats freeze in Congress and won’t be adding any new Democrats in the foreseeable future.
I wish I could be more like my dog and enjoy the simple things in life like biting children.
Sign of the time? An e-mailers who always goes on about Obama’s birth certificate has finally gone back to the subject of illegal immigration.
I’m guessing O’Keefe’s latest effort will get mainstream attention quicker.
Wow, conservatives really turn on their own quickly when they do something inexcusable.
Liberals don’t care when they’re heroes leave women to die at the bottom of a river; why are we so worked up over wiretapping? I think it’s standards that held us back all these years.
So what exactly is so interesting about Mary Landrieau that’s worth committing a felony over?
Mass Effect 2! I’ll support whichever political party will get more time to play videogames.
I accused Obama of being a Keynesian and got called a birther.
It’s not the Stone Age anymore; there’s no reason I should have to have the disk in my computer to play the game.
“I accused Obama of being a Keynesian and got called a birther.”
Now THAT’S funny!
Perhaps a multi-million dollar bribe from the Feds?
In the Stone Age, there was no Ubisoft to inform you that you must register your copy of Silent Hunter V on an online account, that your saved games will be stored online, and that you must be connected at all times to the Internet if you decide to play the game. My friend, Frank, behold the future of gaming.
Here’s my random thought, or maybe it’s not so random. Is Eric Holder al-Qaida’s point man in the USA or is just a f**kin’ moron??
I just want to set the record straight. There’s no truth to the rumors being spread around Washington about me being the point man for al-Qaida in the USA. I make the decisions and do the things I do vis-a-vis terror against Americans and the terrorists who carry these acts out…….because I’m just a moron. Eric Holder, Atty Gen, Washington DC
ME2 not bad. Finished it yesterday.
“Obama has announced a Democrats freeze in Congress and won’t be adding any new Democrats in the foreseeable future.”
The American people countered with an offer of a “Draconian” Democrat cut and will be slashing large quantities of Democrats from both Houses of Congress for the foreseeable future!
Obama Random Thoughts:
Man being president is hard….
Harry Reid is a stupid cracker, who speaks with a honky dialect…..
buckets, why does it always have to be buckets…….
HA HA you drank the Kool-Aid sucka….
I think Republicans should declare open season on “Gentry Liberals”. Scott Brown was a perfect example of this very successful anyone to the right of Nancy Pelosi coalition. Let liberals have their Bono’s and welfare I think we should take Education, Labor, and Defense.
What is really happening in America is that Liberals are showing their real colors and Republicans have morphed and purged into a socially adaptable (based on local population), fiscal hawks, and military realists. That’s the first party I’ve wanted to vote for since Reagen.
Under Bush we were socially all over the map, fiscal liberals and military romanticists. This sucked for everybody.
I wish I could be more like my dog and enjoy the simple things in life like biting children.
Is the problem that you don’t bite children or that you bite children but don’t enjoy it?
The DNC denied accusations that there was a “brain drain” in the party when Lieberman left.
Unfortunately, the average, double-digit IQ of remaining Democrats is too low for them to know what “brain drain” means.
#6 and #9 FTW!
He is a Keynesian. You got called a birther because most Keynesians don’t know they’re Keynesians or that there is any alternative to being so. John Maynard Keynes was a child molester though, so he fits right in with the liberals.
Go Austrian. Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard never hurt anyone. It wouldn’t have been the free market thing to do.
“It’s not the Stone Age anymore; there’s no reason I should have to have the disk in my computer to play the game.”
A porn movie is not technically a game.
“I’m guessing O’Keefe’s latest effort will get mainstream attention quicker.
Wow, conservatives really turn on their own quickly when they do something inexcusable.”
There is no need to jump the gun on O’Keefe, because the Justice department has conferred no charges yet. We do not know what crimes were committed, if any.
O’keefe says that the Media is promoting a series of lies. I hear conflicting stories, but there is no confirmation for the facts. The Media has been forced to retract a number of their allegations. There was no wiretapping nor forced entry. We will have to wait for the Department of Justice to release O’Keefe’s tape.