Would be refreshing if BP said something honest like, “We’re glad we spilled oil in your gulf. It’s not near Britain, so we don’t care.”
Know why Sarah Palin doesn’t stand a chance to be president? Glasses. Name the last president who wore glasses. “Yeah, like we’re going to elect you to be president, four-eyes! Why don’t you go study some math books!”
Similarly, Palin would be unelectable if she had lots of facial hair.
The reason Obama took so long to meet with the BP CEO is because the CEO doesn’t play golf.
Once we get all the oil out of the ocean, are we finally going to work on getting the salt out of it too?
14% were more likely to vote for Etheridge after hearing about the assault incident. So, 14% want politicians beating up high school kids? Eh, guess it doesn’t sound so crazy when you say it out loud.
Congrats to Barton for giving Dems the distraction they were so desperately looking for.
Really, what Barton did was criminal stupidity. I’d rather he beat up high school kids for asking him a question.
Now let’s forget about Barton and build some windmills to stop this oil leak.
You can’t throw a puppy in Germany without hitting a biker gang.
Re Barton and Rand Paul: There is no greater crime for a politician than being politically tone deaf. It’s unforgivable. What would you do with a basketball player if he kept accidentally passing to the other team?
For a politician, being politically tone deaf about an issue is worse than being wrong on an issue.
Sometimes I can’t stand how awesome I am. Literally can’t stand it. I have a mental breakdown.
If Bush had sat around uselessly for two month during an oil leak like this, we’d have so many awesome Bush jokes right now.
Ahem…Harry Truman. Remember him? The last president to actually nuke anything that wasn’t uninhabited.
That makes me sad. I happen to trust a man with well kept facial hair. I look at that beard and I say, “I trust you.”
As I recall, Lyndon used to wear glasses down on his nose when reading. No Harry Truman though!
I never trust a man with facial hair. I look at that beard and I say, “What’s he hiding?”
Is there any way we can build a Frank J. robot that thinks exactly like you do and writes a new blog 24/7/365? That way I can really procrastinate from my engineering homework.
You have fur, Cat! Hypocrite!
Hypocrite yourself, Marko! Like you’d ever trust a cat!
I think we should take the salt and oil out of the ocean at the same time. Donate it to fast food restaraunts. MMM Salty oily french frys.
James Carville is writing the GOP talking points and passing them to the party through Mary Matalin. Prove me wrong. Or republicans are just that bloody stupid. Take your pick.
Of course Etheridge’s popularity went up with his voters. Look who put him in the first place.
This administraion is bad I’d take Sarah Palin with glasses and a beard about now. Yes, it’s that bad.
My Random Thought: I think Friday should be the day of “Summary Thoughts,” Frank.
My summery thoughts are generally about girls in bikinis.
DamnCat, you’re quite wrong. I trust a cat to meow for food. I trust a cat to urinate in my laundry when he’s feeling jealous. I trust a cat to tear drapes with his nails just for fun.
Quite wrong indeed.
Just for you, Marko – just for you.
Ok, so to sum up:
* Obama is a jerk.
* The only way out of our Federal mess is state-by-state Nullification of so called “Federal law.”
* Congress is lame.
* Marko doesn’t like cats.
* Harvey is working for Fred and doesn’t write Newsish Fakery any more. 🙁
* It’s Friday and I have beer in the fridge.
Believe it or don’t, there is yet still one more dimension to this story. American biker gangs used to respect Germans. No respectable biker gang would be without its swastikas, iron crosses and pointy-tipped helmets. Now, millions of biker gang members must reconsider their own image, not to mention their tattoos. I mean, what self-respecting 1%-er is unable to take on a puppy wielding, half dressed, bulldozer driving loon? That’s 99%-er material if you asked me, which you didn’t.
@storm: Can’t argue with your logic about Etheridge. Just can’t.
Marko is currently testing his theory that you can swing a German biker and hit a cat. He has failed so far to hit That Darn Cat or That DamnCat but the bikers don’t seem to mind as long as he has a puppy.
@12 jimmy, you forgot to mention
german bikers are wimps
Sarah Palin would still look good in a beard
obama is a jerk
Beer is good
I am currently testing my theory that you can swing a German biker and hit a cat. I have failed so far because German bikers are very fat and difficult to swing.
However, my theory that it is cheaper to just let them mice roam free than to bother with keeping a cat around has been proven correct.
“You can’t throw a puppy in Germany without hitting a biker gang.”
The question no one’s asking is how we know about this story. Did a Hell’s Angel actually call the police to report that someone had thrown a puppy at him?
Plenty – I hope you can forgive my omissions! So, let’s add more!!
* Hillary is a d!ke.
* Harry Reid is brain dead.
* Did I mention that Obama is a jerk?
* Mary Katherine Ham is gorgeous and smart (and getting married?? Nooooooooo….)
I just had an epiphany concerning the oil spill. The reason it’s taking Obama so long to deal with it is not because he’s incompetent, but because every Gulf state except Florida voted for McCain.
No salt for New York pansies.
heh…Marko swings with bikers
Oh, and let me be the first to say: Obama is a jerk.
Everybody – beers at Jimmy’s house!
Come on down, Damncat! Marko’s waitin’ fer ya. Hehehe.
Excellent – been sharpening my claws all day and I’ve already had a snoot full o’ nip.
BTW, DamnCat, I’m having “summery” thoughts also (there is clever, you are).
Warm winter, cold / wet spring. Summer? Bring it!
I realized a weird symmetry not sure what it means. I haven’t seen pron since I was a kid but I think conceptually its simple enough. And unlikely has changed. Take any lifetime movie and swap the genders and you have male pron or vice versa.
Lifetime movie = 3 guys grab a repair woman just trying to do her job and force her to have sex.
Male pron = 3 females grab a repair/delivery man just trying to do his job and force him to have sex.
Lifetime Movie = Young pizza delivery girl raped by 3 older men
Male pron = young pizza delivery guy forced to have sex with 3 older women
Lifetime Movie = Older man wont give woman a job unless she has sex with him
Male pron = Older women wont give a young man a job unless he has sex with her.
I think that makes the point. Exit question so who is the real sickos?
The wimmin who’s preferred imaginings of sex involve violence? Or the men who cant seem to go through work without imagining reasons women could appear and force him to have sex and thus not be liable for it?
Pron with a plot? It’s been a while since you were a kid.
Friday Pron Fun!:
When I was a kid pron kitties looked like .. well cats… and not like a de-shelled clam.
Wife and I love these Nathan Fillon sp? (captain from firefly) His PG Porn series.
I also agree with Seanbabies take on sex.
“Your private parts are wired so that sex shouldn’t require a trunk of props to work properly”
The problem with trying to write fake news is how often they keep ending up true. The one thing you can count on with 95/100 politicians is that whatever their platform was will be the one thing that wont happen.
“All that Communism needs to survive is for someone to feed and clothe it.”
– itrytobenice, at Redstate.
I have glasses and facial hair, so I can’t be president.
What a relief!
Now I have the perfect excuse to keep on doing what I’ve been doing; visiting IMAO and crabbing about the current occupants of the Whitehouse, instead of running for office myself.
“The economy isn’t the only thing my husband cant stimulate.
“The DOW isn’t the only thing he cant keep up.”