So Southern Republicans are supposed to be a bunch of ignorant racists (like Jackie Knotts), yet it’s looking like soon the South could be having two Republican Indian-American governors. How many Indian-American governors do the Democrats have? None. Is that because Democrats hate people from India?
Well, not hate, but more like they’re too racist to elect them. Tunku Varadarajan lays it out pretty well: A good explanation for Indian-Americans doing well in the Republican Party and the Democrat Party is that Republicans don’t vote on race and Democrats do. Despite all the talk about racist Republicans, people like Jackie Knotts are fringe and it doesn’t matter what race you are to conservatives as long as you share their values. So any race can win with them. With Democrats, race is all important. So, since there aren’t large groups of Indian-Americans to vote along racial lines within the Democrat Party, Indian-Americans don’t stand a chance there.
So what’s your opinion: Is it you or the other guys who are racist? I vote that it’s the other guys. I know I’m not racist. When my daughter is born, I’ll love her no matter what race she is.
Meanwhile, they’re trying to get Alvin Greene off the ballot just because they don’t understand his culture.
Hmmm …..Alvin Greene. Is it racist to want someone out because they’re a ‘Tard?
I’m not anywhere near a Democrat, but I can’t blame the few sane ones for wanting a different guy. Of course, as I said before: If my village idiot is elected mayor of your village, what does that say about you?
He reminds me of Bubba. No, not that one. The other one, from Bubba Gump Fish Co. He was even in the Army.
I think it’s a stretch to suggest that Democrats want Alvin Greene off the ticket because of racism, or his culture, or fact that he may be mentally challenged.
There is a perfectly reasonable explanation – they want to get rid of him because with the name Greene they think he’s a Joo.
Well Frank J., I think that its a stretch to suggest that democrats are racist just because we don’t have an indian-american in office.
However, there are SEVERAL reasons to suggest that many republicans are, in-fact, racist. For example, immigration. Republicans can’t stand the idea of allowing immigrants into our country. Legal or not.
And also, there have been many scandals in which republicans have said unbelievably racist comments. Such as the S.C. lawmaker who claimed that Nikki Haley AND Barack Obama are “rag-heads” and shouldn’t be allowed in office. So, IMAO I belive that you need to STFU with your GOP lies and watch something other than Fox News once in a while.
[Thank you. Your smirt comment as edumocated me. Hmm… I wonder what the name of the SC lawmaker was… -Ed.]
Frank Of course, the Democrats.
But consider this: I have a pair of swallows that are trying to evict me from my house! They fly in any open door, cruise around the interior, land somewhere, look at me and start complaining loudly. I can walk right up to them during their rant. They want my house! Is that racist of them, or what?! This has been going on for over a week. Then they follow me to the open shed, go in and do the same thing. Like I’m running an entitlement program for birds. Do they take me for a Democrat? (They are cute, however. I rather think they’d build a nest inside my house and live with me as long as I kept an exterior door open all the time.)
Depends on the race. IRL is boring, NASCAR too. Sprint cars are great!
I am a racist. I hate everyone equally.
Jimmy, you know what you need to solve the bird problem?
Yeah, you know.
A shotgun?
No, Chuck, no. What Jimmy needs to get rid of the birds is a damn cat.
Those swallows are crafty (but happy) little birds with an insatiable appetite for bugs. You know, I’ve got bald eagles, red tail hawks, osprey, kestrels and owls and no bird of prey ever goes after them. Too fast and smirt!
Sorry, DamnCat, you’re just TOO SLOW.
(Chuck, there was a cat around here once that met my shotgun. It was tearing out the insulation under the house. Damn Cat.)
Why does Oprah come across as either a real or imitaion poster on DU, or a poo flinging monkey? Last time I checked Abe Lincoln was a republican, and Robert Sheets Byrd, the klan, George Wallace, and Lester Maddox were all democrats.
Most Indian-Americans recoginize and respect the opportunity for success from hard work that our nation offers. For all the jokes about hotels and 7-11’s, they are WORKING. Those are the kinds of jobs someone not in our culture can take, prosper, and grow from. As compared to sitting around on their fat lazy butts smoking dope and playing video games. The republican party, for the most part, attracts those who wish to work and better themselves as compared to seizing the efforts of others for their own gain. Rant off.
I tend to believe just about everyone is racist. At least to a certain degree and at times. The most racist race is the human race.
the woman in chicago is dilusionary and quick to forget how Abraham Lincoln fought many people to bring slavery to a holt. Is funny that the same person don’t ask Obama bin Laden to produce his Birhtcertificate. We allowed people to come in to our country legally by producing the necessary legal papers. Case and point, try to get a drivers license w/o papers. I guess , that next time I just run for president, which probably I will not be ask to show my papers.
You go Oprah!!! We need more Democrats like George Bush and John McCain trying to legalize milllllllions of illiterate peasants because immigration is the best thing in the world, we NEED to have 25% unemployment!!!! With Democrats like them importing millions of voters who can’t read, the Democrats can never lose wooo hoooo, no wonder you’re so rich, you know …like….everything!!!
lol, Firefox says “Oprah” is a word but “Obama” isn’t hahahahahahahahaha, at least you can’t call it raaaaacist.
I dunno, lets look at the question logically.
1. Which party makes an issue of race? On every possible thing. And a lot of impossible (outside bizarro world) to racially polarize issues.
2. All those old B&W films of guys turning firehoses on civil rights demonstrators…. which party did 100% of them belong to?
3. Which party was founded on a pro abolition platform? And has never renounced it. Ever.
4. Which party voted more for the Civil Rights Act in 1964?
5. Which party has a former KKK Kleagle as their most senior Senator?
6. Which party decided it was the right thing to do to piss away a real opportunity to pick up a Gov seat because the candidate was a former Klansman? Remember “Vote for the crook. It’s Important.” bumper stickers in Lousiana? Can anyone imagine the other party passing an opportunity to win an important race regardless of the flaws of their candidate?
7. Which party is the home of Anti-Semitism today? (And in the past.)
Any remaining questions?
Those swallows have figured out how the program works. They observed that any illegal that makes it past the border gets all kinds of benefits – food, health, housing, education and eventually citizenship.
Those swallows got inside your house, so now you have to feed them, pay their veterinarian bills, raise their children and since they’re in your house, they’re now part of your family.
(Maybe you can deduct them as dependents on your taxes.)
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Storm1911: Though your point is well understood, I think one example is not exactly accurate. Lester Maddox certainly has the reputation of being a racist, but actually appointed more blacks to positions (as well as to positions of leadership) in the Georgia state government than any governor before, and for 20 years afterwards. I’m not saying he wasn’t a racist; I’m not specifically addressing that. Rather, I’m saying he did more for blacks in Georgia than any other governor of Georgia from Colonial Governor James Oglethorpe (1733-1743) until Governor Zell Miller (1991-1999). Racists generally don’t do that.