This Weekend’s Rally Caused Much Fear and Concern for Predominantly White Liberals

So Glenn Beck held a rally in DC over the weekend, and… Well, I don’t really know what the point of it was. I guess I’m not a rally person. But man, did liberals freak out about it. That’s a lot of people who showed up because they don’t like the way the liberals are running things. But don’t worry: The liberals’ hive mind came up with a way to try and dismiss the whole thing: It was predominantly white.

Isn’t it just a little creepy that predominantly white journalists are as racially obsessed as the KKK? And what if they applied this race obsession to everything else?

“Today, the predominantly white White House Press Corps asked questions about the president’s predominantly white cabinet. The predominantly white Robert Gibbs assured them that they were working towards the best interests of the predominantly white United States of America, but he had to cut questions short as he was going on vacation with his predominantly white family. Now, stay tuned for the Emmy-winning, predominantly white Modern Family. Predominantly white people love it!”

Anyway, predominantly white liberals can find all the reasons they want to dismiss people’s concerns about this country, but it will be a bunch of predominantly white Democrats who will be getting dismissed in November.


  1. Two rallies…one was Glenn Beck’s, one was Al Sharpton’s…and lib media are obsessed with the fact that they took place on the anniversary of MLK’s “I Have A Dream” speech. King’s niece spoke at, and wrote in support of, Beck’s rally and against Sharpton’s. ‘Nuff said.

  2. Tthe liberals act as if they own Aug. 28.. If there had been no mention of the King speech I would not have known that Aug. 28 was a national liberal holiday. I guess being predominantly white prevented me from knowing. Back to the re-education camps for me.

  3. I’m glad someone finally recognized my pre-Dominance. I’ve been dominant for a some time now without anyone acknowledging it. At least I’m now getting my ‘ups’, albiet retro-actively. ‘Bout time!

  4. Well now that someone’s decided to declare open season on Mormons (after all it’s not the first time )Glenn had better get some extra security. Me I’m just about ready for my concealed carry permit. Seriously…….make my day.

  5. I don’t give a predominate fluck what predominately brain-dead liberals think about predominately anything. The operative word here is ‘predominately’ because the other subdominate part of me just wants to shoot the bastards.

  6. Seems like a liberal dilemma, they want to point out that it was predominantly people who work to pay for all the welfare white people but then they intentionally lie about how many evil white people were there. Accurately counting them would make them more menacing but then uninformed idiots might figure out that nobody likes Obama.
    I suppose pointing out all 10 people at the Sharpton thing were predominantly black…negro….colored… Afrikan-“American” would be raaaaaaacist.

  7. So, it isn’t racist to judge those who attended the rally on the color of their skin? How ironic – the lefties take issue with the rally being held on the anniversary of MLKJr’s speech and then proceed to bring up the color of skin rather than the content of character. The liberal media would be funny if they weren’t so dangerous and malicious.

  8. So, it isn’t racist to judge those who attended the rally on the color of their skin? How ironic – the lefties take issue with the rally being held on the anniversary of MLKJr’s speech and then proceed to bring up the color of skin rather than the content of character. The liberal media would be funny if they weren’t so dangerous and malicious.

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