Is Justin Bieber really cutting his hair? Maybe this is the moment our country finally starts turning things around.
Is there a checkbox to tell IE that it’s only my last resort browser and will never ever be default?
Do the Koch brothers pay people to be right-wing, because they owe me back pay.
The Massive Dynamic logo in Fringe is a ripoff of the Nintendo 64 logo.
Yesterday I complained that my hair was getting a little long and hanging in my eyes. She told me I was starting to look like Justin Bieber. I couldn’t decide whether to jump off the roof or take a boxcutter to my hair.
I really need a haircut now. I’m not even sure I can leave the house.
Damn. I need more coffee…the “she” was my coworker. And these things need edit capabilities…What good is a 67G blog without edit capabilities?!?
IE sucks. Ye all know this to be true!
“Is there a checkbox to tell IE that it’s only my last resort browser and will never ever be default?”
Yeah, there is, Frank. Take an old empty box of checks over to Microsoft and throw it at them. Then, throw a chair.
Random thought: The Nothing But Crap series The Cape appears to be stealing themes from the legendary MST3k movie
LeaktakerSoultaker. Does this mean the show would be improved by the addition of Joe Estevez? Of course.Yes there is. Unfortunately, it sets IE to be the default browser.
Marko, I had to look him up. Non-random thought: Is Joe Estevez the only actor I’ve never heard of who’s been in over 150 movies plus 13 in post production? Is Joe like the salt of the film making world in that he makes all movies just a little bit better?
No, but there is an Uncheck box for that.
In IE 8: Tools > Internet Options > Programs > Default web browser > remove check from “Tell me if Internet Explorer is not the default web browser”
Basil is the Joe Estevez of Tech Knowledge.
You could say that, Burma, but I tend to believe the little cardboard cutouts of one man and two robots were what made his movies better.
Basil, I won’t even launch IE in order to do that!
Random thoughts:
Why has Chris Christie not gotten credit for his greatest accomplishment – moving the cast of “Jersey Shore” to Italy?
And, can he do the same thing for other phony reality shows that are not filmed in New Jersey? …like “The View”?
Jimmy: Easy workaround. Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet Connections > Internet Options > Programs > Default web browser > uncheck “Tell me if Internet Explorer is not the default web browser”
There’s always a way to get what you want and keep your principles.
I just linked a youtube video of Beiber getting his hair cut on my nieces facebook. Waiting for her to get home from school to hear the rage.
justin who? is it anything like “Leave it to Beaver?”
Random Thought: Have the Public Employee Unions ever read the fable, ‘The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs’? Did they get the moral of the story?
Nope, but you could try deleting iexplore.exe… wouldn’t recommend it, though.
Alternatively, install Linux.