Straight Line of the Day: Obama’s New Plan for Illegal Immigrants Caught in America…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Obama’s new plan for illegal immigrants caught in America…


  1. Obama’s new plan for illegal immigrants caught in America…

    handle with care and then release them back into the wild with ID, register them to vote and give them $5000 in “walking around” money and remind them to vote Democrat in the Fall.

  2. Obama’s new plan for illegal immigrants caught in America…

    is…HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, catch them? HAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHHOHO Catch them them? Oh come on! Pull the other one, its got bells on it!

  3. “Obama’s new plan for illegal immigrants caught in America…”

    Celebrations! Party favors! Your money and my money! Not his money though.

    Well, except for the ones that commit more crimes (apart from, you know, the illegally being here crime), for those he’s just resorting to the ol’ Hans Schultz schtick.

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