The Illustrated Frank J: Express Your Disapproval!


It’s a Bug-Zapper… and ISIS Is the Bug

The Army says they’re “very close” to developing a practical laser weapon.

The hard part: keeping it from being attacked by herds of stray cats.

Link of the Day: Zeroing in on Handgun Accuracy

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Here Ya Go…

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What a Waste of Time and Money – I Vote Extinction for ALL of Them

[What If We Killed All the Mosquitoes?] (Viewer #901,754)

Also, there is nothing wrong with DDT.

Obama Will Take One to Dinner in NYC With Michelle

NASA is developing a supersonic airliner that will reach speeds of 1100 MPH, without making a sonic boom.

Might be prone to other booms, though, if NASA’s not done with that Muslim outreach nonsense by then.

[title reference link]

Bernie Voters Won’t Get This

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