Archive of entries posted on 28th March 2016
6000 Matches!
It doesn’t take that long to have all the matches ignite, and you can certainly check out at that point, but I found it fascinating how long that little pile of sticks burned.
[6000 Match Chain Reaction – Amazing Fire Domino!!!] (Viewer #5,842,475)
Also, Catching a Few Innings With Castro
After choosing to continue a planned Latin America tour after the terror attack on Brussels, President Obama assured Americans that defeating ISIS is his “top priority”.
What’s his plan? Having them eaten by polar bears after he stops global warming?
I’m Stereotyping Myself, Here
Link of the Day: Except for the Boring Dialogue and the “Let’s Stare at the Special Effects Because We Paid Good Money for Them” Cinematography, It Was a Good Movie. And No, I Don’t Know What Else Is Left After Those Two
[High Praise! to Den of Geek]
The Troubled Production of Star Trek: The Motion Picture
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
Not Even a War, Just a Major Fight
Testifying in the Senate, General John Paxton, assistant commandant of the US Marine Corps, said “I worry about the capability and the capacity to win in a major fight somewhere else right now.”
What worries *me* is that ISIS *doesn’t* worry about that.
Obama Warned Us – Equal Pay
Check out what President Obama is doing to help advance #EqualPay for women.
“Paying the women on my staff equally? Nope. Guess again.”
Straight Line of the Day: Hillary Clinton Said That She May Use Executive Orders to…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Hillary Clinton said that she may use Executive Orders to…
Horrifying Consequences
The US Secret Service warned Internet users to “watch what you say on social media” about the elected officials and candidates under their protection.
Yup, one wrong move, and WHAM! You’re Ambassador to Libya.