I love Weird Al.
Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.
Submitted by Gumbeaux:
Must be piranhas in the pool
If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.
Frank J: OK, it’s well past 8:00 a.m. — sorry to keep you waiting. Who brought my Mountain Dew and Diablo sandwich?
Oppo: That’s Basil’s job.
Spacemonkey: Where is Basil?
Keln: He hasn’t been showing up for meetings. Can the rest of us skip this?
Mr. Right: Yep.
Basil {via videoconferencing:}: Wait. What? I’ve been posting.
Walrus: {via text message:} Can I have his office?
Keln: You didn’t see his blog posting? There was an incident.
Frank J.: I’m in charge.
Oppo: Gadzooks!
Spacemonkey: I’m going to see if he’s OK!
Mr. Right: I’m going too!
Keln: Yep. I’m gonna cut out of this meeting, but not necessarily to see Basil.
Basil: Really, guys — I’m not exactly Joe Biden yet.
Walrus: So, is the meeting over? Working from home, you know. Hello? Hello? . . .
Frank J.: Well, sit back for my previously recorded six-hour TedTalk. Who are you, again?
Straight Line of the Day: The AP will capitalize [on] “Black” [sic] but not “white” [sic]. Their next tortuous style decision is …
AP says it will capitalize Black but not white
The Associated Press | July 20, 2020NEW YORK (AP) — After changing its usage rules last month to capitalize the word “Black” when used in the context of race and culture, The Associated Press on Monday said it would not do the same for “white.”
The AP said white people in general have much less shared history and culture, and don’t have the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color.
“We agree that white people’s skin color plays into systemic inequalities and injustices, and we want our journalism to robustly explore these problems,” John Daniszewski, the AP’s vice president for standards, said in a memo to staff Monday. “But capitalizing the term white, as is done by white supremacists, risks subtly conveying legitimacy to such beliefs.”
“White doesn’t represent a shared culture and history in the way Black does,” The New York Times said on July 5 in explaining its decision.
CBS News said it would capitalize white, although not when referring to white supremacists, white nationalists or white privilege.
Some proponents believe that keeping white lowercase is actually anti-Black, saying it perpetuates the idea that whites are the default race.