Straight Line of the Day: What Could Be in Rihar’s Notebook?

Straight Line of the Day: What could be in Rihar’s notebook?

[“Memo to self: Only post clever comments to IMAO. Delete the others. Floss. Do not antagonize the emu.”]

[“But Oppo got promoted for doing the exact opposite. Harvey’s corner office still has full liquor cabinet. Triangulate??”]

[Disguise comments as “Rahir”?]


  1. Post incriminating comment about notebook.
  2. ???
  3. Profit!”]


  1. Day 36:

    I believe I’ve successfully infiltrated the moon nuking organization. I’ve limited my sudden movements and have camouflaged myself in an industrial sized bag of Emu chow. I will wait until dark and…wait…is that the sound of claws on a hardwood floor…..

    • Benny Hill: “The odds against there being a bomb on a plane are a million to one, and against two bombs a million times a million to one. Next time you fly, cut the odds and take a bomb”.

  2. One entry: NOTEBOOK!, not eBook! Heh, can’t fool me twice, it ain’t got any words in it.

    The unexpurgated version of Da Vinci’s notebook, complete with “Commie Murderin’ Flying Machine” drawings.

    Boot emptying instructions.

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