Straight Line of the Day: What could be in Rihar’s notebook?
[“Memo to self: Only post clever comments to IMAO. Delete the others. Floss. Do not antagonize the emu.”]
[“But Oppo got promoted for doing the exact opposite. Harvey’s corner office still has full liquor cabinet. Triangulate??”]
[Disguise comments as “Rahir”?]
- Post incriminating comment about notebook.
- ???
- Profit!”]
Notes, what else?
G# Major
Might be F#@% Major
C-Sharp or you’ll B-flat
That’s A-natural conclusion.
Don’t panic.
“Research: Basil or Basil?”
A pubic hair.
“Play off of the hopes and fears of the assembled commenters – objective: BACON!!!”
All IMAO viewers getting visits from FBI and swimsuit models simultaneously”
Get out of my head!
Paper Towels
Timer Mechanism”
“Always set the Randomizer to ‘stun’…”
“Hope they never install an anti-robot image to allow posting”
Day 36:
I believe I’ve successfully infiltrated the moon nuking organization. I’ve limited my sudden movements and have camouflaged myself in an industrial sized bag of Emu chow. I will wait until dark and…wait…is that the sound of claws on a hardwood floor…..
needless to add: diary entries abruptly end.
“Stock up on tuna. The cat’s alliance can be bought.”
Endless diary-ahh.
Notes on the Clintons’ crimes!! Dates, names, proof . . . ! My God, man, get this out of your hands!
What could be in Rihar’s notebook?
“Double check accuracy of all MTG quotes.”
“Date Ginger, but marry Mary Ann.”
Done and done!
…but pork Miss Piggy
Yea you say that but wait until Kermit comes after you!
“…Kermit comes after you!”
So it’s a threesome?
Menage a Trois..did you know I speak Franch? Oui?
What Could Be in Rihar’s Notebook?
I think we both know the answer to that question.
“Day 37:
I fear the Moon Nukers have discovered that I . . .
Wait! Something approacheth!”
Judging by the change in handwriting, I would think this is evidence of the Emu attempting to cover his tracks.
What could be in Rihar’s notebook?
A suicide note.
Yes. Definitely a suicide note written by Rihar himself – not written by me.
…the missing evidence in the Kelner case
“Made you look!!!”
A short list of government officials banned from Little Saint James.
” The end comes soon. We hear drums, drums in the deep. They are coming.”
You can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant.
Excepting Alice
What could be in Rihar’s notebook?
Statistics, short biography, betting odds, and measurements of all Babesleaga contestants.
What could be in Rihar’s notebook?
Step by step instructions on how to abduct, incapacitate, transport, obliterate, and conceal a Yak.
Im not saying this is true. But the Yak had it coming.
… and going…
A second key.
The funniest joke in history. Of course, he won’t share it here.
“April: the month when the Redcoats attacked the patriots over Benny Hill.”
Benny Hill: “The odds against there being a bomb on a plane are a million to one, and against two bombs a million times a million to one. Next time you fly, cut the odds and take a bomb”.
Ya know, maybe Ted Cruz isn’t the Zodiac Killer…
I heard it says where Jimmy Hoffa is at..
all 3 bones.
Do you paint houses?
In the notebook?…lots and lots of crayon…
It’s my chosen medium.
One entry: NOTEBOOK!, not eBook! Heh, can’t fool me twice, it ain’t got any words in it.
The unexpurgated version of Da Vinci’s notebook, complete with “Commie Murderin’ Flying Machine” drawings.
Boot emptying instructions.