Know what the knobs are, smoke between classes in the smoke hole then ran to my auto shop class, Mikey likes it!, still have 45’s and still have an use a HP windows ME computer and Lexmark printer. Guess that make me older than old dirt!
Old enough to remember all those things, but young enough to still be so busy that I don’t have time for naps. I do remember falling asleep as a teen and waking up around 7:00. Thought I was late for school, got dressed, grabbed my book bag, ran downstairs expecting my parents to already be gone for work. Found my mom cooking dinner. So confused. Thought there was some weird time travel gone wrong situation.
This was a frightening trip down memory lane! And I still have a working computer with a 9″ monochrome monitor. And a typewriter wherein one has to type the lower case L for the number 1. The Smithsonian hasn’t called yet.
#6 makes me want to get out my old 16-speed records and boogie on down.
are those on cylinders?
I wish and that I had the ‘Wu-Tang Clan: Once Upon a Time in Shaolin’ – worth $2 million.
Know what the knobs are, smoke between classes in the smoke hole then ran to my auto shop class, Mikey likes it!, still have 45’s and still have an use a HP windows ME computer and Lexmark printer. Guess that make me older than old dirt!
I’m so old that when I was a college freshman at a major university, students could smoke in the classrooms!
I’m so old that, when I was a little kid, my family moved into a house with a party telephone line.
I’m so old that I remember when my favorite airplane was a DC-3. Absolutely craved the sound of it.
I thought DC-3 was a gay rap group that was always visiting Barack.
Old enough to remember all those things, but young enough to still be so busy that I don’t have time for naps. I do remember falling asleep as a teen and waking up around 7:00. Thought I was late for school, got dressed, grabbed my book bag, ran downstairs expecting my parents to already be gone for work. Found my mom cooking dinner. So confused. Thought there was some weird time travel gone wrong situation.
So, how many remember the year the Hula Hoop came out in the U.S? And could you do it as a kid?
Windows 98? How about PC-DOS and MS-DOS?
This was a frightening trip down memory lane! And I still have a working computer with a 9″ monochrome monitor. And a typewriter wherein one has to type the lower case L for the number 1. The Smithsonian hasn’t called yet.
Man are we old or what?
How OLD are we?
We’re so old that IMAO now offers Assisted Living with Memory Care.
We’re so old that Frnak’s hair is gray and Harvey’s nails require a ruler to measure.
We’re so old that Basil (not Basil) is retired and he watches Mystery Science Theater 3000 24/7.
I’m so old that I remember almost peeing my pants when I first saw Ethyl Merman sing on an old black-and-white TV.
(I don’t know where that last one came from…)