People seem to like having good things happen to them — like finding money on the sidewalk. These things sometimes happen.
I found a $20 bill on the sidewalk once, and have never forgotten it.
(Unlike Rihar, I didn’t try to find the owner.)
I even won sometimes at casinos, and enjoyed that. Yes, there are more times I’ve lost. I try to forget those, but note this: no one tries to forget the times they won.
Can any of you cite any instances of anything that’s ever happened to you that was positive?
(Don’t get too personal. We probably don’t want to hear it. I know I don’t, for sure.)
But perhaps relate something like getting a 13th McNugget in a 12-piece order, or something like that. That has never happened to me, but I reckon that $20 bill I found makes up for it. (If I ever lose that twenty, I hope Rihar finds it.)
It’s the little things that make life worthwhile.
Next Week: How To Deal With Jealousy Over Good Luck Other People Have Had