Scientists Discover That All Animals Fall Into Distinct Categories

To wit:

(A) Those That Can Safely Be Cuddled

  1. Puppies
  2. Kittens
  3. Baby Ducks

(B) Those That Can Be Admired on Film Only

  1. Bears
  2. Raccoons
  3. Wolves
  4. Flamingoes

(C) None of the Above

  1. Slugs
  2. More Slugs

Isn’t Every Crime a Hate Crime?

If I’m committing a crime, there must be something I hate, right?

Straight Line of the Day: What Are You Going To Do (Legally) With All Your Gold?

A toast to 50 years of legalized gold
Stuart Substack | 27 Dec 24 | Stuart Englery

Gold enthusiasts can celebrate a golden anniversary this New Year’s Eve and simultaneously mark a market manipulation milestone.

Fifty years ago, President Gerald R. Ford legalized private gold ownership, allowing Americans once again to stack the regal metal as a wealth-preserving asset and safe haven against monetary inflation and dollar depreciation. Gold futures trading and market meddling also began in the United States a half-century ago.

On Dec. 31, 1974, Ford issued an executive order revoking President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1933 decree that criminalized gold hoarding and prohibited American citizens from owning more than $100 worth (about 5 troy ounces at the time) of the demonetized metal.

Gold could be owned, bought and sold domestically as an investment without risking a $10,000 fine and 10 years in prison.

UFO Makes Round Trip of Trillions of Light Years, Captures Gay Couple for Breeding Program

Bond Girlathon : Results 12/18/2024 : New Matches 1/1/2025

Happy New Year! Let’s start it off right with the resumption of the Bond Girlathon.


Carole BouquetNo PreferenceEmily Bolton
Lynn-Holly JohnsonNo PreferenceLeila Shenna

Match 1

Cassandra Harris (Countess Lisl von Schlaf) vs Tina Hudson (Bianca)

ContestantRecordTotal Scores
Cassandra Harris0 – 1 – 035 – 2 – 135
Countess Lisl von Schlaf

Actress:Cassandra Harris
Bond Movie:For Your Eyes Only (1981)


Countess Lisl von Schlaf was the mistress of Milos Columbo, a Greek smuggler. Columbo asked Lisl to stage an argument with him at dinner, as an excuse for her to go off with Bond, to discover some information about him. Lisl and Bond spent the night together, and got on quite well. They went for a walk on the beach the next morning, and Lisl was tragically killed by henchman Locque.

Cassandra Harris


ContestantRecordTotal Scores
Tina Hudson0 – 1 – 084 – 1 – 126

Actress:Tina Hudson
Bond Movie:Octopussy (1983)


Bianca was an MI6 agent assisting Bond in Latin America. She helped Bond disguise himself as Colonel Toro so that he could infiltrate a military base and plant an explosive on a Cuban spy plane. When the mission went awry and Bianca saw Bond being taken away as a prisoner in an army jeep, she went into action. She drove alongside the jeep, and flirted with Bond’s captors, showing off her legs to distract them while Bond pulled their parachute cords.

Tina Hudson

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66 votes · 66 answers

Match 2

Kristina Wayborn (Magda) vs Tanya Roberts (Stacey Sutton)

ContestantRecordTotal Scores
Kristina Wayborn1 – 0 – 0135 – 2 – 35

Actress:Kristina Wayborn
Bond Movie:Octopussy (1983)


Magda was the right-hand woman of Octopussy, and assisted her smuggling partner Kamal Khan on many occasions throughout the film. After attending an auction in which Bond stole a Fabegé egg, Magda was sent to sleep with Bond so that she could steal it back. After Octopussy found out that Khan tried to kill her, her cult of girls, Magda included, storm Khan’s palace.

Kristina Wayborn


ContestantRecordTotal Scores
Tanya Roberts1 – 0 – 0126 – 1 – 84
Stacey Sutton

Actress:Tanya Roberts
Bond Movie:A View To a Kill (1985)


Stacey Sutton inherited the Sutton Oil company, which megalomaniac Max Zorin tried to take over. Zorin offered Sutton $5 million for her shares in the company, which she refused. Bond learnt of the cheque and confronted her at her home. Stacey was initially aggressive, pointing a shotgun at Bond. However, when some of Zorin’s henchmen arrived to persuade Stacey to sell, Bond sorted them out and gained Stacey’s trust. The pair escaped an attempt on their lives, and managed to kill Zorin.

Tanya Roberts

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68 votes · 68 answers