Does That Logo on Your Shirt Mean Anything, or Did I Just Give Away IMAO’s Two-Way-Screen Surveillance Program?

This Is How They Elect a Pope. Why Can’t We Do the Same Thing for Intern Judge?

Go to the nominee and ask him:

“Acceptasne electionem de te canonice factam in Summum Internem?”

Then, when he agrees, ask him:

“Quo nomine vis vocari?”

Blowing white smoke out the roof is just a side perk.

Straight Line of the Day: What Are We Doing Here, Anyway?

Welcome to IMAO! One of Our Viewers Thought We Should Spend More Time on Content Than on Interns


Bond Girlathon : Results 1/1/2025 : New Matches 1/8/2025

I hope everyone is enjoying 2025. We have some more results for you and this week’s match-ups.


Tina HudsonNo PreferenceCassandra Harris

Tanya RobertsNo PreferenceKristina Wayborn

This week.

Match 1

Grace Jones (May Day) vs Fiona Fullerton (Pola Ivanova)

ContestantRecordTotal Score
Grace Jones0 – 1 – 08 – 1 – 232
May Day

Actress:Grace Jones
Bond Movie:A View To a Kill (1985)


May Day was the girlfriend of Max Zorin, and also worked for him as an assassin.May Day killed Bond’s chauffeur, and tried to kill Bond on several occasions. Much later in the film, May Day realized that she had been double crossed by Zorin, who had left her to die in an explosion that would cause a flood in silicon valley. May Day joined teams with Bond to remove the bomb, and in doing so, met her death.

Grace Jones


ContestantRecordTotal Scores
Fiona Fullerton0 – 1 – 065 – 2 – 145
Pola Ivanova

Actress:Fiona Fullerton
Bond Movie:A View To a Kill (1985)


Pola Ivanova was a KGB agent working for General Gogol. She recorded incriminating evidence of Max Zorin, and escaped with a tape of it. Bond had followed her, and a struggle ensued, until they both realized that they knew one another from a prior mission. They went to a spa and spent the evening in a hot tub together. While Bond took a shower, Pola snook out with the tape, only to realize later that Bond had switched it for a fake.

Fiona Fullerton

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73 votes · 73 answers

Match 2

 Mary Stovin (Kimberly Jones) vs Maryam d’Abo (Kara Milovy)

ContestantRecordTotal Scores
Mary Stovin1 – 0 – 0232 – 1 – 8
Kimberly Jones

Actress:Mary Stövin
Bond Movie:A View To a Kill (1985)


Kimberley Jones was an MI6 agent who assisted Bond in Siberia, on a mission to recover a lost microchip from assassinated agent 003. Bond snowboarded down a mountain to avoid a helicopter and a gang of hitmen skiers. When he got to the bottom, Kimberley was waiting in a boat disguised as an iceberg. Bond pulled out some beluga caviar, a bottle of Vodka and the microchip, mentioning that it would be five days until they reached Alaska.

Mary Stovin


ContestantRecordTotal Scores
Maryam d’Abo1 – 0 – 0145 – 2 – 65
Kara Milovy

Actress:Maryam d’Abo
Bond Movie:The Living Daylights (1987)


Kara Milovy was the girlfriend of Georgi Koskov, a traitor playing both sides in the cold war. Koskov pretended to defect to the West, and got Milovy to shoot blanks at him to make it look more real. He knew that she would be assassinated by Bond, who was assigned to protect Koskov. However, Bond noticed she wasn’t a professional, and he didn’t kill her. When Koskov was discovered to be a traitor, Bond met Milovy posing as a friend of Koskovs. He gained her trust and revealed his identity, gaining a brave ally for his mission.

Maryam d’Abo

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73 votes · 73 answers