How Can We Commodify This?

66 million-year-old fish vomit discovered in Denmark
BBC | January 28, 2025

A piece of fossilised vomit dating back to the time of the dinosaurs has been discovered in Denmark. …

Mr Bennicke took the fragments to be examined at the Museum of East Zealand…

It was too old for New Zealand

…, which confirmed the vomit could be dated to the end of the Cretaceous period 66 million years ago – a time when dinosaurs including Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops existed.

Jesper Milan, palaeontologist and curator at the museum, told the BBC it was “truly an unusual find” as it helps explain relationships in the prehistoric food chain.

“It tells us something about who was eating who 66 million years ago,” he said.

Walrus: “Phrasing!”

Mr Milan said his museum had only sent the information to the local press but the discovery has sparked global interest. “This is the world’s most famous piece of puke ever,” he said.

There are other candidates for that title.


  1. That was from the famous Pukey McPukeyfish, ancestor of many fish species eaten 66 million years later by inhabitants of the Potomac Swamp, like…

    George Herbert Walker McVomit
    John McPukey Yellerstain
    Joe Sh!tpants Bidenette
    Hillary Gin Fizz RottonHam
    Nancy Kidney Stone Peeslousy
    Barack Upchuck SnortToro
    Chucky Blow Chunks Choomer

    …and many others.

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