In college, I majored in English and Art and goofing off.
STEM majors make me jealous. No, what’s the word? Sick! (We English majors are always sticklers for the accurate word.) Yes, you with your numbers and points of reference.
“STEM” is of recent coinage, of course, meaning “Science, Technology, and Em.” Not a very promising beginning for any field of study.
I know many commenters here, like Vakatunnen or Caleygraph, and I think zzyzx and some others — oh, and FrankJ — have something going for them, but if it isn’t a liberal art, I don’t give a fart. Rhymes are something that English majors excel at and STEM graduates don’t.
If there isn’t currently a meteor streaking towards the earth, what good is a STEM degree? Wouldn’t you rather hear about the many adventures of Winnie the Pooh? Damn straight. I know I would.
In summation, scientists wear weird glasses, but so do poets. It’s a bifurcated (!) mystery that neither branch of study is likely to explain — ever.
Of course, if you have a stray thought, this is an open thread …
Engineers can be very useful. To wit: “The four engineers wore orange brassieres.” See? Without them engineers, we wouldn’t have a rhyme for “orange.”
Okay, I’ll throw some weird, wild, wacky stuff out there:
The Universe is the way it is because it has to be – or it wouldn’t work.
The funniest comedians can make me laugh by just walking on stage.
A grocery store employee who was restocking bacon told me today that the secret to staying slim is to go ahead and eat the food that is bad for us, but just not every day! By the time I got to checkout line, my cart was full of food that was bad for me!! But I’m too old to care. Mmmm. Pork fat!
The Universe is infinite in spatial and temporal dimensions. and was never “created.” But it is most likely very dynamic.
Nothing exists in this Universe that isn’t “mechanism.”
(I love leaving God out of statements like this. It’s fun to save God for later. 😊 )
If the universe is already infinite, than how can it be expanding like my waistline at a Golden Corral?
*then, not than.
Rest assured the copy editor has been reprimanded.
Good question!
However, I’m not convinced that it is expanding.
In any case, in mathematical logic, there’s nothing that prevents an infinite quantity from growing larger – “without bound..” So, if the Universe were already infinite, it could still expand, at least mathematically.
God said there would be no math. It is right there in the Bible.
We didn’t even have DEI when I was starting school but I still won Student of the Month for solving a puzzle:
What has 3 feet but can’t walk?
I was the only one who came up with the correct answer – a yardstick.
That’s a might fine word processor you got there, college boy. Be a shame if someone were to accidentally reflash your Qwerty keyboard A-D chip with a Dvorak keyboard firmware.
2 “B’s or not two “B’s?
I majored in stem at college. Notice the lower case; this is because I majored in looking at the co-ed’s legs. (Why hasn’t the inventor of the miniskirt been awarded the Nobel Prize yet?)
I’m sure you all remember the last time you were in a crowded room and some panicked occupant shouted out “Everyone, I need your attention immediately! Is there an English major in the house”?
Last time I needed one to help me sort out an ambiguous pronoun situation I ended up with a preposition in my antecedent and my wallet was gone.
When Einstein was dying they were shouting:
“Is there a String Theorist in the house”?!
Maybe if he had thought to bring a relative, things might have turned out differently
I used to hang out in the Physics building when I wasn’t sleeping in the stacks. All I remember were guys running around with stacks of punch cards and a slide rule in their pocket…
I can still smell those IBM punch cards.
I have no idea of what’s going on here.
Quantum Mechanics. It’s easy.
You are blessed.
If it makes you feel better, I’ve never been able to get a job even closely related to my degree.
Granted, that’s my fault for choosing an obscure specialization, being unable to control a classroom, and my tendency to not ask for help until it’s too late. Still, STEM isn’t the lock you might hope it to be.
You’re IQ is still higher than my mine. Don’t worry. I thought we were talking about STEM CELLS research or something and was re-googling it.
Rhymes ARE something English majors excel at. As in, “Discount Knowledge at the Junior College … “
I got some discount knowledge at a Jr. College 🏫 once where we majored in beer and girls.
It was all real funny till we ran out of money and they threw us out into the world
Yeah, the kids that thought they’d run this town ain’t a-runnin’ much of anything
Just lovin’ and laughin’ and bustin’ our asses, and we all call it all livin’ the dream
Oh yeah … THAT’S where that’s from!
Back in the day, I majored in Alcohol and Stem. Some of my homework was removing the Stems from the lid of weed before rolling a few joints.
You were just wasting the weed unless you used the Surrealistic Magnificent Purple Bong of Bombai.
Didn’t they try to add “Arts” into it to make it STEAM?
That does sound like something a “they” would do, try to put some letters in an otherwise successful program and try to ride those coattails.