Another great post for Easter: a new entry into my hate mail section. A little while back I wrote a song for non Americans to sing to praise America. I also asked for news suggestions for verses, and got a lot of great responses. But now I found this:
Je naim pas america
c’est tres coruptable
les anglais et americans
c’est merde? agree? OUI!
I had trouble translating it in babel fish, so I gave it to the official translator for IMAO, Mary Lou, who is much smarter and much prettier than babel fish. Ends up there was some misspellings, but here is what was probably meant to be said:
I do not like America
It is very corruptible
The English and Americans
Are sh*t. Agree? Yes?
Okay, first of all, there was no rhyming scheme. That’s just sad. And does the author, Jaques, mean to apply that France, with its oil and weapons contracts with Iraq and its businesses that couldn’t succeed without government funded espionage, is the pillar of honest government?
Well, I think France has the potential to be a very non-corruptible country, since radioactive dust accepts no bribes.