War Update

Support for the upcoming Great Blog War is overwhelming, and I’ll sort through the supporters later today and probably add a list of them to my ever-expanding sidebar, starting with who started it all, Glenn (not Reynolds). He’s a negro, and, with a negro on our side, we can’t possibly lose!
Planning stages will commence soon, but we first need a cool name for our alliance. I don’t want it to be anti-Instapundit, but, instead, a name showing our hope for a future where we all rule. Put suggestions in the comments section.
UPDATE TO WAR UPDATE: I thought the Enemy would ignore us, but he has linked to my declaration against him and then adopted part of it as a slogan in mockery.
When I get hom from work tonight, I will give more details on how this alliance will work start putting all the supporters names together and consider the suggestions for names for the alliance. Remember, we fight not just for the blogoshpere, but for the minds and hearts of all citizens of the world. They will hear us, and they will take heed.

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  1. Maybe something deceptive and NORK-like, say The Rainbow Puppy Commune
    or something snarky, like UnTied Nations
    or triumphal, like Imperium of the Internet,
    or completely meaningless and creepy, like ZXEA (acronyms, even ones that don’t mean anything, can’t be cool without a Z or an X

    We implore Reynolds to remand his soul to He Who Walks Behind The Black Screen – Frank J., for he will soon stand before His throne momentarily.
    We are the Children Of The Blog.

  3. United Blogs of Terra (UBoT)?
    The Federation of Blogs for Shared Traffic (FBST)?
    Mutual Traffic Society (MTS)?
    League of Extrabloginary Individuals (LEI)?
    The Caped Blogaders?
    The Free Blog Society?
    Hope for a Bloggier Tomorrow?
    Hm. This is hard.

  4. Pundits for Puppies, Piranhas (piranhas hate monkeys, hippies, and bloggers named Glenn Reynolds), and Peace.
    Because there can BE no peace while the Dark Lord yet breathes; and because, well, if we’re for peace, that means we get to nuke the moon when we’re all done.
    Which is always a good thing, of course. Nuking the moon, I mean.

  5. EDIT:
    Just in case above post wasn’t entirely clear: the parentheticals were explicative, and therefore not intended to be part of the actual name of the alliance. Sorry, I nitpick; I know.
    So, the name I propose: Pundits for Puppies, Piranhas, and Peace.
    You could even make a cool logo in photoshop — something with four interlocking P’s set at right angles around a joint central point — something circular, symmetric, an iterative perfection….
    And they could have little hippies impaled on the edges, too…

  6. The War of Blogger Aggression (should be popular with Southerners)
    Justice Blogs of America* (Aquaman sold separately)
    The Frankinator: Blog with me if you want to live.
    Nuke the Pundit: A realistic plan for blog peace.
    InstaPain: Frank’s Blog Brigade

  7. How ’bout the “The IMAO Cyber Front Final Offensive” (vaguely — don’t Tic Frank Off–)
    Or, for the more obscure: the “Mannlicher-Carcano Grassy Knoll Conspirators”– MCGKC (Almost looks Cyrillic or some goofy Roman Numeral)
    Or, the obvious, “Frank’s Battle of Bull Run”. Ok, work with me, work with me–

  8. I second Mike the Marine’s vote for
    Nuke the Pundit.
    However, like Frank said, we need something that doesn’t necessarily emphasize Instapundit’s impending-and-unnecessarily-violent-death. We need something that gives hope to all readers and writers alike – something that tells of the new tomorrow.
    Ah screw it…Nuke the Pundit is so much cooler…

  9. I’m all for Mike the Marine’s suggestions. My favorites are War of Blogger Agression (born and raised in Alabama, I’m particularly fond of this one đŸ™‚ and Nuke the Pundit. Good luck!

  10. Why does your declaration of war make me want to get out my copy of Animal Farm?
    Four legs good, two legs better?
    Or would it be more apt to point out that your people versus the powerful cry is similar to that of a soon to be world leader in , oh, say 1917

  11. “When I get hom from work tonight”
    When you get hom? What is this hom? Is that pronounced like “home,” like the Minnesota-based furniture store? Is it, perhaps, a reference to the homestarrunner.com character Homsar, and if so, how is he implicated in this? The people demand answers!

    All hail, all hail, the Instapundit! He sitteth on his dark throne; though foes do cry, he conquereth them with a single server-killing link! His minions report to him from near and far; he gets in every newspaper story about “web logs”.
    Let a thousand puppies blend.

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