Michelle Malkin has once again stirred up the hate-filled lefties (warning: her post contains uncensored hate mail charging with the high crime of being both a woman and a minority). I won’t go into all the details of the incident that led to this, but I think the worst part of it is that we have military recruiters who can be intimidated by wacky campus libs. I would have hoped our average military man or woman could reduce one of those moonbats to a quivering mass with one stare.
Now, I haven’t always agreed with Malkin’s tactics such as the time she strangled a kitten with piano wire to make a point on immigration, but these attack on her have got to stop. Someone should be able to be a pundit without constant threats and racial slurs. What if we started using slurs against liberal icons?
BTW, that Howard Dean is one dumb honky cracker.
On the other hand, maybe Malkin can cause all the moonbats to hate themselves out until they just are too tired to hate anymore and just spend their time smoking pot and eating cheetos.
Anyway, I think someone should make a banner blogs can put up that says, “I support Michelle Malkin even though she is in fact a woman and a minority.” We bloggers have to stick together! Show your support for Malkin!
The Lefties just hate more daily while blaming the Right. They are incapable of admitting a mistake or taking the blame for their own actions- someone else is always to blame.
It’s a typical reaction, one that we are all too familiar with. The rules only apply when it benefits them. The moonbats can do whatever and it is a right – not to mention “progressive”. If the same thing is done by someone even just a tiny degree farther to the right than they themselves it is now an infringement on rights and a hate-motivated (probably racist) action.
The funniest thing about leftards is that they are for FREE SPEECH when they say something stupid but when a conservative talks they are ****’s and ****’s and ********’s. They think that FREE means without response to their stupidity. Everything you say in a public forum is open to criticism, complaints about spelling and grammer, and other rants whether they be correct or not. But the lefties cannot handle criticism because their arguments and rants fall apart when an honest person looks at them.
Michelle’s hotter than a $2 pistol, and has a fine mind as well.
“Progressives” my left foot…
And here is Frank subversively expressing his love for Michelle. Your words make sense Frank, but they whisper romance. SarahK better smack you around a bit more to keep you in line.
(heehee snicker) yeah shimauma’s bad, so bad.
Not to be redundant but under the last Fun Trivia I asked several questions of the Kos Kids.
Do you eat with that mouth?
Is this the kind of education parents are paying for?
Ethnic slurs are fine for conservative but illegal against libs?
Those who have to talk about engaging in sexual activity must not be getting much. If they were they’d be too busy or tired to talk about it.
I’m not even going to question their parentage, manners, intelligence or prowess. That would be unfair. One should never verbally joust with the unarmed.
If the DUmmies or the KKKos kids are the future of the Democratic Party, I wonder about the future of this great country.
BTW I don’t know if Michelle can sing the Star Spangled Banner as well as SarahK. ESP the fourth verse.
After reading the posted mail she recieved, I don’t think the Kos kids or SAW retards are going to be the future of anything. It amazes me that any of these “open-minded” liberals can call Malkin a hateful person while calling her racist & sexist names and still think they are peaceful loving people.
You know what I like about being a conservative? I can get my point across without using foul language or calling liberals filthy names.
I don’t know why I continue to be shocked when I read comments from people like the ones Michelle Malkin posted.
I rather think that the service people decided that they’d better walk out of there before they got into a situation where that combat training kicked in and they beat the life out of the sheel protesters. I applaud their restraint, since they are the true examples of honor here, but I lament the fact that I won’t get to see video of some snot nosed KKKalifornians getting the s kicked out of them by the best training Uncle Sam has given them.
I’m a monkey. Ooh ooh ooh!
Monkeys can display intelligence. You’re no monkey, themole.
Isn’t it nice to see how far the Progressives have progressed? Why, I do believe they’ve progressed right back to 1930’s Berlin.
“Hey Moonbats, be sure to say ‘Heil!’ to Adolph and all the boys when you all meet up in Hell.”