Here are some banners (thanks to cadet happy) to show your support of Michelle Malkin being a woman and a minorty despite liberals protests.
I’d say link them to Michelle’s site or to the recent post of hate mail for context.
UPDATE: If you put up a banner on your blog, e-mail me ( your blog name and URL with the subject “I Support Malkin” so I can later post a list of blogs that supports Michelle Malkin’s right to be a minority and a woman.
hurray! more malkin posts at imao!!…
(sorry sarahk…)
Like I sad over at the Jawa Report, Michelle’s hotter than a $2 pistol and finer than frog hair.
Amazing what rascists these “progressives” seem to be…
Sheesh!! I r a gud spelr, I r.
The link to Daily Koz (feh) about raising money to sue her … It might solve the great divide in this country if we raise money to buy mirrors for these people, so they could see themselves. How can they possible take themselves seriously, much less expect anybody else to take them seriously? Especially looking at the “signature lines” on their emails.
Why do we ever worry about these morons? LOL
Wait? She’s a woman? And a minority?
I need my glasses checked and my monitor cleaned. She looked more like a cat.
Wait. I’m looking at the photograph on my desk. Oh, THERE’s the monitor.
Never mind.
While IMAO does hire women and minorities (and whatever Jews are), we, personally, would never combine the two. Still, I think we should support Michelle Malkin in doing so.
That tears it.
I’m on board.
Sign me up.
Things of that nature.
I noticed nice little details in all the rantings against Michelle. None of them even remotely addressed the issue at hand. All of them were derogatory and offensive. All of them show an inability to communicate rationally. All of them showed an extreme lack of vocabulary and intellegence. Just a few things worth noting.
I’m sorry, but that banner is racist and sexist. Why not just say “I support Michelle Malkin,” and leave it at that?
Since the liberals seem most angry that she is a woman and a minority, that seems like what we should defend her on. People who don’t even agree with Malkin’s politics can still support her choice to be a woman and a minority.
I support her being a woman and a minority, BUT I do think that she brought this firestorm on herself.
o/Frankj likes Michelle Malkin, Frankj likes Michelle Malkin!/o
Seriously, what was wrong with her pointing out that the SAW were intolerant? No, I don’t think she brought this on, they did it to themselves. And I haven’t seen much of this incident in the “mainstream media” so what are they griping about? This is mostly blog and internet news and we’re just a bunch of yokels, right? It’s not like our opinions could change the world or anything. (heh! 2004 election, and Rather fired, baby)
I guess I can understand your Malkin worship, Frank.
(channeling Homer Simpson)
mmmmmmmm…Malkin good
you put her picture below the t-shirt babe picture this instant. or you’re sleeping with Rowdi tonight.
c’mere Rowdi, good boy, now scootch over
I’ve put one up (notifying through comments b/c hotmail is being a wanker).
And even though I’m a straight chick (er. . . coyote) I agree that she’s pretty fine looking. Don’t know what pics those wackjobs were looking at. . .
Generally, one does not transmit a press release without intending the information to be made public.
And if one includes contact information in that press release, one should be prepared to be contacted.
And if in that press release, one gloats about their anti-American activities, one should be prepared to be contacted by actual Americans who don’t take kindly to traitors.
Now, do I need to explain the “illegal” part of “illegal alien” next?
At least the e-mails don’t appear to call for her to be raped. I mean, not even moonbats would stoop that low.
Oh, wait….
Master Shake-
That’s pretty much the gist of it. All the “good intentions” leftards ascribe to can’t keep them from exposing the awful people they really are. They’re like wolves in sheeps clothing.
Ever notice that they claim to be for peace & fairness, but every rally they hold seems to be “Anti-this” or “Anti-that” and prouldly display signs saying “F**k so & so”? I not convinced they are actually “for” anything, aside from lawlessness and infanticide.
It’s hard to find the desire to pray for people I’d rather beat on.
I once kickboxed my shadow. I woke up hours later and didn’t know what happened.
Well said Alan;it’s a pretty clear observation that protestors of the left are amazingly violent and trash-mouthed. They’re all overthehill hippies who can’t believe their hour of free love is all gone, or a bunch of overlyhormonal teens that have nothing creatively worthwhile to do with their pent up energy.
PS: I knew you were going to get into trouble for your Malkin worship Frank!! HAHA!! GET ‘IM SARAH!!
arrghh.. enough with the lurking
She took a publicly released document with name, email and phone number and put it on her website.
You found an address with two phone numbers, added a google earth shot, a map shot and a “Im so much cooler than she is” picture personal attack.
If you cannot figure out which is wrong you are an ignorant suck-weasel.
My guess is “ignorant suck-weasel.”
Master Shake:
Why is it necessary to re-publish their info? What does it add to her post? What’s the point of it? Would it have had an adverse affect on the point of her post?
As I see it, it isn’t necessary to re-publish the info, adds nothing to her post, has no point (except to potentially give the students problems), and would have had no effect on the point of the post had it been left out.
If I’m wrong, tell me why. You’d be the first one to do it.
This whole boondoggle can be summed up in one word: Karma.
How quaint, Themole. Are you going to go find her next & tell her off? Maybe you could call her all sorts of names relating to her sex or heritage. THAT’LL show her.
Karma? The SAW dolts wanted the attention, but cry foul when they get it? Using revenge tactics against her it so pathetic, I don’t see how anyone could NOT see how low it is.
I’m all for freedom of speech, but that freedom ends when the next person’s nose begins. Her actions resulted in the students recieving DEATH THREATS. Are you telling me that that’s ok?
Unless you can say she published this information for the purpose of them getting death threats, you don’t have a case. Those three made their contact information to get publicity, and that is what they got.
Let’s try this again. It was a press release – it was intended to be republished. You are attempting to make her responsible for others’ actions.
From one of her posts:
“UPDATE: SAW has removed the contact information from its press release and is now lying about the fact that it made the info publicly available on the Internet. I am leaving it up. If you are contacting them, I do not condone death threats or foul language. As for SAW, my message is this: You are responsible for your individual actions. Other individuals are responsible for theirs. Grow up and take responsibility.”
And to repeat, if you provide your contact information in a press release, and in that press release you gloat about your “successful” anti-American activities, you should expect to be contacted by actual Americans who don’t take kindly to traitors.
If those contacts include death threats, then the people making the threats are be responsible for their actions, not Michelle.
Of course, this assumes that there were any actual death threats. Moonbats are rather fond of making up, staging, and perpetrating such “threats”, “hate crimes”, etc. – especially college moonbats.
“Her actions resulted in the students recieving DEATH THREATS.”
I don’t agree; it was their own actions that resulted in death threats, and to say the threats all came about by Malkin’s posting of the information is completely irresponsible.
Haters can post & link all the information they want about her to seek petty vengance- she’s been threatened many times before, and by people far more serious than any of you EVER thought about being- and she’s STILL HERE.
VISUAL PROOF HERE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN that neoconservatives are both visually impaired and mentally-retarded!
Just look at the Michelle Malkin sticker, an in-depth analysis.
American flag? Check.
Picture of Michelle Malkin (who is damn fine by the way): Check.
The words “I support Michelle Malkin”? Check.
The followup of: “…even though she is, in fact, a woman and a minority.”
WHAT A SECOND here guys (no pun intended)! If you even GLANCE at the goddamn picture, and notice it’s A) a woman and B) an non-white individual, then you should assume, and therefore acknowledge, and therefore, KNOW (hard to do for some of you) that Michelle Malkin is, indeed, lo and behold, a WOMAN, and, on top of that, an individual of MINORITY descent! So guess what you dolts! If you have to make a sticker that has to point out the obvious IN WRITING, then you neoconservatives truly are as brilliant as doorknobs!
Not that I don’t support Michelle Malkin, some of her arguments have some reasonable merit (the other 98% are questionable), but that sticker only entrenches the obvious…no, not the fact that Michelle Malkin is a woman and minority, but the fact that neoconservative bloggers are mentally challenged. All the sticker had to say was “I support Michelle Malkin,” but you guys are good enough to go the extra mile and make yourselves look like dumbasses. Have a nice day!
I voluntarily put down my e-mail addy, just to see what interesting responses I get.
You’ll have to excuse Alex. He left his brain at home today.
Are you okay? After giving us such a sound verbal lashing,I think you should take a deep breath & tell us what you REALLY think.
Thank you, though, for letting us know that we could discern Michelle’s sex & race just by looking at her. I also noticed, after closer examination, that she’s also wearing a shirt! There wasn’t a caption saying so, but you can just tell. That does bring us to the next question: Alex, have you ever been mistaken for a man?
Now you might say, “‘WHAT A SECOND’, didn’t I just go over this with you dumbasses?” and we might say yes, you sure did, but we are too busy looking up your IP address so we can get you.
BTW, the e-mail address you bravely typed in doesn’t automatically post with your comments, but I applaud your attempted braverey. I’ll bet once you get that “real boy” operation, you’ll be even braver.
If considering the image of the American flag to be a good thing is “retarded”, then, despite the fact that an IQ of 145 does not technically qualify me as such, I am retarded.
Now, please go back to fondling your Stalin memorabilia and dreaming of the workers’ paradise.
(Hmmm…”Alex”. Is that a boy or a girl? From the picture, I think it’s a pre-op tranny.)
Alex has shamed me. Wahhh!
I eat my own poo, and I don’t care what anyone says.
Malkin’s refusal to remove these kids contact information makes sense because the information was publically availble in their press release. Every journalist in the world knows that. But you ronin aren’t journalists. You are good people.
If I were something resembling a human being with “feelings”, would have punched myself in the balls by now. I am a vicious, vindictive, venomous egoist with no discernible ethics nor even a shred of human decency. What I do know is that cardboard tastes funny. C’est la Vie – and what goes around comes around… especially a merry go around. I like riding the pony.
There sure are a lot of people off their meds here today.
I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again:
I love it when liberals can’t get the joke.
and they’re trying.
Reall they are!
I will tapdance on the windpipe of anyone who tries to harm Michelle Malkin or her family.
All she has to do is say the word and an army of folks just like me will come runnin’ to her neighborhood.
We will protect her like the Bikers protect our Military Families.
Richard Davis
Philadelphia, PA
Conservative bloggers have their moments but even the uninitiated can see how vicious and mean the left has become. To complain about what IS public information and to retailiate with personal and privilaged information is just plain wrong.
My parents taught me to take ownership for what I am personally responsible for. I.e. If I broke the neighbor’s window I had to pay for it. So if these people want to flaunt their views and do it so publically then they should be man enough (no offense ladies) to take the crap storm they are now receiving. Death treats are wrong (unless you rape my wife or kids then all bets are off). But then you really don’t read of that many coming from the good people of the Right.
As for the language…..The reason I don’t read many liberal blogs is because of the filth that permeates most of their sites. I wish the left would recruit people with the intelligence to use other than four-letter words. Most of which start with the letter “F”. Even though “fornicate” starts with “f” it would be refreshing to see them use it. At least they would sound intelligent.
Michelle Malkin is a
I am proud proud proud to support her.
I most certainly support Michelle Malkin. She is indeed a spearhead against the forces-that-wannabe who try to flush our country down the toilet by vaccinating us with defeatism, appeasement, misplaced guilt, misguided rationalism, political correctness, and all other forms of mental and political hemorrhoidisms.
Michelle’s journalistic kick in the crotchs of those entities who want our country to dissolve into some type of political and social primordal soup helps keep us on our guard, and her journalistic kick also helps to expose the hypocracy and double standards of the hardcore left, hard core Dems, and other moonbats that roam about. Michelle’s writings inform us of the dangers that we face. She tackles controversial issues to make us see with our eyes and NOT through rose tinted glasses. And we do not have to agree with Michelle about everything she says to show her that we strongly support her (the intolerence of the left can never understand that).
Michelle has been called many rude, disrespectful names (check out her book UNHINGED for some examples). I have yet to hear her use such foulness and such hatred (yes, practically everyone utters a bad word now and then) to prove a point and to win an argument. She has never threatened harm to anyone who disagrees with her, yet her family (which includes her young children) come under death threats from the ever so brave moonbats. Her femininity and ethnicity have been attacked by other ethnic minorities who consider her a traitor because she is not thinking as a minority should. Well, I am not 100% white, so why is it that I do not consider Michelle a traitor????? And someone explain to me how a minority should think so I can have a good laugh and them curse them out for their “yes-man” mentality.
Others racially insult Michelle on the way she looks and call her a “whore” of the Right and compare her to prostitutes in Manila. HOW FLAMING RIDICULOUS AND COWARDLY!! HOW LOW CLASS THOSE PSEUDO-CIVILIZED FOOLS ARE! Michelle is a ravishing, red hot, georgeous all American babe. And for you guys who compare Michelle to a prostitute, you are simply jealous because you are simply not lucky enough to spend a night with her. SHAME ON YOU FOR YOUR INSULTS!!!!
Michelle is a great lady with a good heart who devotes herself to writing to provide a public service to Americans by supporting America and the average American. Michelle believes in the rule of law and in fairness. She does not dabble in double standards and will criticise the Left AND the Right when need be. Yes, she is a tough lady with lots of wonderful passion and lots of intelligence who bravely tackles the controversy of the day, the enemies of our still free and great nation. And despite popular opinion, Michelle was born in America (her parents entered America the correct way…THE LEGAL WAY-sorry about that, you libs!)so she cannot return to China or Vietnam as so many of you lefties demand that she do because she did not come from those countries. Indeed, how can a person return to a place that she has not come from? But, only a moonbat would make that type of demand.
I am happily waiting for the day when Michelle really lets loose and tackles those who want to harm our nation, tackles those who want us to surrender to the whims of those who want us to embrace God only knows what harmful agenda, tackles those who want us to wear burkas, and tackles those want to splash us with verbal acid reflux. That will be a great day indeed when Michelle really goes into maximum overdrive.
I would love to put this banner on my blog, but I am practically computer illiterate.
Do you have a code that I can copy and paste into my template?
Thank you for the banner graphic. It is an honor to support Michelle. I am sooooo proud of her!
I smell my own farts!