Sen. Rick Santorum announced that we had found WMDs in Iraq. Some of you may be too young to remember, but a long time ago we were actually looking for those in Iraq and expected to find them. When that (apparently) didn’t work out, we then set our sights on constructing in Iraq something even more destructive – democracy!
So, is Santorum right? Did we find what everyone thought we’d find but didn’t find and then everybody said it was dumb to think it was there? Well, I know Santorum. I was at his victory party in 2000 where we waited (to no avail) for the Presidential election results to come in, and, at one point, he briefly glanced at me. Knowing him so well, I can say I trust what he says. That means Iraq had WMDs and was a grave threat to America, and liberals are all dumb and wrong to ever oppose our mission.
Dumb and wrong.
That’s all I have to say for now.
To the demoncrats out there I can only quote the prominent educator Dean Vernon Wormer who said “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life”.
The “reality-based” fever swamp has never let facts intrude upon their opinions. How long before the moonbats claim that Rove made Cheney use his connections with Haliburton to plant the WMD using his jedi mind-control tricks?
You know what the Libtards are going to say…
“But those were old WMDs. They don’t count.”
It’s akin to “He lied about sex. It doesn’t count.”
Or “He did it while driving drunk. It doesn’t count.”
Or “He wanted the NG papers to be real. That should count.”
Liberals are just beyond stupid.
Boy, sounds like you and Santorum were as close as brothers!
Brothers separated at birth and who have no idea that the other exists, but brothers nonetheless!
Already heard that liberal little butt boy David Gregory on Imus this morning saying these are “old WMD’s” “Pre-1991” so they don’t count!!! Libs are sooooo stuuuupid and soooooo predictable!
btw, CNN still hasn’t mentioned it. Its on FOX news, but that’s it.
curiously, the Marines being charged with murder, the horrible situation in Afghanistan, etc, those are Headline Stories on CNN.
cuz’, y’know, thats REAL news.
You know, that is funny. I bet they found those on the same day that my squad and I found a stock pile of French made Roland-2 Anti-Aircraft Surface to air missiles in Radwaniyah, just west of Baghdad. I passed the information to our Battalion Commander and he passed it on to the Division and finally to the Coalition Forces Land Component Commander (LTG Ricardo Sanchez, the prick) who basically did the Jedi Mind trick on me and my squad members saying ::waving hand:: “You didn’t find any Missiles saying ‘Fabrique en France 2003″.
Oh… guess I didn’t. Just like the boys from the 3rd Infantry Division didn’t find those 500 mustard and Sarin canisters way back at the beginning but “Mysteriously” were misplaced until yesterday.
Oddly… If I didn’t find any French Made missiles that were made IN 2003!!, then what did I find…. Guess what, LTG Sanchez…. I TOOK PICTURES! Ha!
I knew from that very day why the french opposed us (other than the fact that they are retarded, smelly, cheese eatin’ surrender monkeys)… They were giving material support to the enemy!
Now that I have outed this info in a public forum, if you don’t hear from me in a while its because… -ack -erk
I guess the deaths those “pre-1991s” cause don’t count, either!
I like roleplaying, too, but I’m at least aware that AD&D reality stops at the GM’s door. There are no saving throws in Real Life, and a rusty knife is still a knife.
The left is already talking up the nonsensical statement form some unnamed DOD bureaucrat that these aren’t the WMDs that we were looking for. So what? They ignore the fact that this stuff could be used to kill thousands of people but because it wasn’t brand new it somehow doesn’t count.
I just need to remind myself that you can’t reason a person out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into. They feel that there were no WMDs in Iraq so no matter what is found, it will not make a bit of difference.
“Dumb and Wrong”
Don’t foget monkey-faced and oh so very punchable.
You knew this was coming, but…
The left is already talking up the nonsensical statement form some unnamed DOD bureaucrat that these aren’t the WMDs that we were looking for.
Jedi Mind Tricks These are not the WMDs you are looking for…
The liberal left will never admit they were wrong… I say if the weapons are degraded lets go ahead and test them on those monkeyfaced liberals, thats better than a punch in the face right, we wont get our hands dirty that way
I agree. If these munitions are so old that we shouldn’t care about them, I’m sure David Gregory will be happy to prove how ineffective they are by being the subject of a few “tests”. Helen Thomas and numerous members of Congress should be very close by so they can observe the test.
“Just like the boys from the 3rd Infantry Division didn’t find those 500 mustard and Sarin canisters way back at the beginning but “Mysteriously” were misplaced until yesterday.
Oddly… If I didn’t find any French Made missiles that were made IN 2003!!, then what did I find…. Guess what, LTG Sanchez…. I TOOK PICTURES! Ha!”
Jay, I do remember when those were found and I have been challenging liberals to actually define the term “WMD”. Do the various elements: (missile, warhead, launch system) need to be assembled and ready to fire, or would you consider a five gallon barrel of weapon grade chemicals a potential weapon? If you find a murder weapon in someone’s house with blood on it I don’t think you are going to care if it is assembled or not. It was used, and it can be used again.
Absolutely! A weapon need not be assembled to still be a potential weapon. Just because you find a round on the ground (lets call it a .45) doesn’t mean it won’t hurt some hippy just cuz it ain’t in FrankJ’s 1911. I could find it and put it in mine. Still can cause harm.
If there is chemical weapons in a 5 gallon drum, it is still lethal even if it is not in a 155mm projectile, but can be left in, say, some hippies basement with the lid off and still kill him and the rest of his unwashed, unshaven drum circle. (which would be a good thing!)
Thanks for seeing the point of the whole thing.
Re: The libtards claiming that since these were old munitions they don’t count, and besides, their age has degraded their virulence to negligible anyway.
Jane Harmon (Dipstick – California) was already harping in front of the news cameras that “these weapons aren’t any stronger than anything you may have under your kitchen sink”.
Well I have an idea, Janey. Let’s say we put you and any other Islamapologist in a sealed room and toss in one of those opened “Mr. Clean” grade sarin shells and see how long before the enamel on your capped teeth melts. They’re harmless, after all.
Maybe Zarqawi was not the terrorist we lwere looking for.
REPORTER: Mr. Secretary, there has been a lot made on Capitol Hill about these chemical weapons that were found and may be quite old. But do you have a real concern of these weapons from Saddam’s past perhaps having an impact on U.S. troops who are on the ground in Iraq right now?
RUMSFELD : Certainly. What has been announced is accurate, that there have been hundreds of canisters or weapons of various types found that either currently have sarin in them or had sarin in them, and sarin is dangerous. And it’s dangerous to our forces, and it’s a concern.
So obviously, to the extent we can locate these and destroy them, it is important that we do so. And they are dangerous. Anyone — I’m sure General Casey or anyone else in that country would be concerned if they got in the wrong hands.
They are weapons of mass destruction . They are harmful to human beings. And they have been found. And that had not been by Saddam Hussein, as he inaccurately alleged that he had reported all of his weapons . And they are still being found and discovered.
REPORTER: Mr. Secretary, these are not the WMDs we have been looking for (waves hand slightly).
RUMSFELD: (Eyes glaze over) Er, these are not the WMDs we were looking for.
REPORTER: There never were any WMDS.
RUMSFELD: There never were any WMDS.
REPORTER: Move along now.
RUMSFELD: Arrggghhhhhhhhhhhhh! You think that mind carap is really gonna work on me! (as Rummy strangles reporter)
I told my libral neighbor the other day about how they had found the wmds in iraq (again) and she had the nerve to not only suggest that they were planted there (first why would we plant outdated weapons)secondly she said they weren’t a threat. Well that is quite possibly the most arrogant and by far retarded thing I have ever heard. If they are so harmless mabye you wouldn’t mind if we stored them in your house? Furthemore she said I shouldn’t joke about the war and started going off about how after 9/11 cheney had said (I’m quoting her of course) “Some way we need to find a way to tie this to saddam” come on ma’am please stop with your libral propoganda. Then she asked “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIED” I didnt say anything then cause I’m fourteen and pissed or not I still managed to be respectful of adults no matter how annoyed I may be, but yes over 3000 troops in iraq and mabye another 2000 in afganistan. To be honest I know it may sound terrible but 5000 fatalities isn’t to bad for a five year war. Don’t get me wrong it’s sad and my heart goes out to the families, but you have to be retarded to think five thousand is the worst thing ever I mean consider that in one day in 1944 june 6th we lost 20,000 in one frigin day on d-day. Don’t you ever say “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIED” you arrogant libral wake up seriously. After that she started going off about how she doesn’t even look at bush as a legitimate president saying he wasn’t elected he was appointed by his republican friends in the supreme court. WAIT HOLD UP I’m no rocket scientist (even though I’m a straight A student)but I’m pretty sure I remeber an election happening in 2000 and again in 2004. Why do librals try to impose their screwed up veiw on politics on every person they come in contact with, can’t I just have a nice conversation about how the french should change their flag to an all white backround that way they don’t have to bother waving it cause there is already one outside of all their goverment buildings. Seriously find a war the french have won on their own, and you can’t say the hundred years war cause they had the help of GOD.
This is clearly a conservative milieu. Specifically to the last poster die hard conservative, if you’d like to understand the thought process of a liberal – which I do recommend you try instead of simply disregarding liberals as mindless and arrogant – you have to fore-go your conservative pre-conceptions. My thought as a liberal, veteran, student, historian, philosopher, and psychologist is that war, though prevalent throughout human history, is a terrible thing that cuts at the cords of any hope for peace and harmony. Compared to other wars, the loss of life in the current Iraq war is trivial. That’s true. However, the idea of lost life should not be trivial and shouldn’t be treated as such. Essentially, despite our best efforts, the dead vanish and are forgotten – so in the scheme of humanity, what did the dead individual gain for his efforts? The only gain considered is typically a collective gain: What resulted from their efforts. Our culture honors posthumously the sacrifices of our soldiers, but the dead are ultimately forgotten and trivial; Sacrificial and patriotic as it may be. The liberal’s ultimate concern is to avoid this altogether and here is a point where liberals are discounted by conservatives as wimps — and where every conservative reading this will say, “Duh, liberals are wimps.” — This is where simplistic thinking goes awry. Simplistic thought: Liberals try to avoid fighting because liberals are wimps. Complex thought: Liberals try to avoid fighting because liberals are thinking from a philosophical basis concerning fundamental human rights and the morality of war. Debate this as you wish.
Having been a conservative, and having seen both sides of the coin from fundamental, philosophical perspectives, I’m open to give conservatives credit where they should get it — I rarely see any reciprocal attitude from conservatives to liberals unless they talk about a personal friend. I think that’s a trap that should be avoided. 20,000; 80,000; 5,000 — to an individual, these numbers mean very little — when an individual can identify with 1 person is where they truly begin to value the awful nature of war, no matter the cause, no matter the end, and no matter the cost relative to other previous losses. Yes war is a part of humanity — but what if it wasn’t?
Liberals try to avoid fighting because liberals are thinking from a philosophical basis concerning fundamental human rights and the morality of war. Debate this as you wish.
I hear this rant ALL THE TIME.
The truth is, most liberals that are mouthing off (at least the ones that piss us off) are the ones like my uncle who fled to Canada during Vietnam, or are the byproduct of hippie on hippie love. The rest are kids that are tainted by their professors and politicos. The point being that the same “flower children” hippies of the ’60s and ’70s all grew up but never grew out of their anti-establishment-ism.
Now you got all these kids who THINK that they are making a point, but are really just trying to have their moment in the sun.
This is truly sad since most children would probably never act the way they do had they had POSITIVE role models growing up, and not their hippie parents, professors and then stupid fat whiners like Michael Moore.
Most liberals these days wouldn’t understand the morality of war if it jumped up and bit them on the rear. They were never forced to do anything they didn’t want to do (because their parents had more of a laissez-faire type of attitude towards child rearing,) their teachers felt that if they didn’t pass them along class to class, that somehow it would destroy the child. Lastly, they were never forced to join the military (as we have done away with the draft.)
I have served proudly for the last 7 years and will continue to serve until either I am killed or I retire… whichever happens first. I have lost countless friends in the pursuit of something that 99.9% of soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines feel is JUST. Their lives were not lost, nor were they forgotten.
It is easy for you to say that they will be forgotten because you are exactly like the majority… if it has no affect on you, you don’t care… and you call yourself a caring liberal.
We soldiers feel that each lost life IS justified. We feel that if one life is lost so that even just 5 can live, then it is worth it.
This is what truly matters and is the point behind the “Die Hard Conservative” was trying to point out.
You, sir/madam, are just as clueless as the people you are defending.
I just want to say to jay and all members of our armed forces thank you for everything you do protecting this country and fighting for whats right to you sir I say god bless
Jay, you missed where I said I’m a veteran.
“We soldiers feel that each lost life IS justified. We feel that if one life is lost so that even just 5 can live, then it is worth it.”
First, that thinking is tangent to Utilitarianism. The main thoughts in Utilitarianism: “The ends justify the means,” and “the greatest good for the greatest number.”
Second, many mistakenly believe utilitarianism means individuals interests are sacrificed for the sake of the “society” or the nation. According to utilitarianism, however, one individual’s interests can only be sacrificed for the sake of the interests of other individuals. As Jeremy Bentham put it, “It is vain to talk of the interest of the community, without understanding what is the interest of the individual.” While it may benefit individuals to have a healthy society or a functional state, neither of these are ends in themselves.
I don’t blame you blocking me in with the majority – that’s a natural response. Not only do you have a skewed view of liberals, no doubt fed to you by conservative rhetoric, but you also seem to not have a clue regarding the history of your party.
Onward Christian Soldiers!