Democrats on Thursday said they remain opposed to President Bush’s pick for U.N. ambassador, contending that John Bolton has not yet repaired his reputation as an ineffective “bully.”
Bolton was noticeably disturbed by this characterization, and proceeded to give numerous Senate Democrats wedgies while forcing others to eat dirt. He then made every Senate Democrat hand over his or her lunch money (or, in Ted Kennedy’s case, his booze money).
In other news, Senator Joe Biden held an impromptu press conference where, while held in a headlock by John Bolton, he admitted for the first time that he is in fact a “little girl.”
WOW, if Bolton got all of Kennedy’s booze money, did he need a barrel to carry it away?
I didn’t know that Michael Bolton was our UN ambassador!? But anything that keeps him from singing is good for all of us. But I thought Michael Bolton and Joe (Plugs) Biden were one in the same, I mean have you ever seen them together? No. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
Excellent! Hope he didn’t make Senator Kerry stretch is latest facelift too tight and pull all the stitches out! Did Bolton grab Hillary by the balls and what did she admit to?
Hey, he did all that and he didn’t have to use the ‘stache!
He should drop his first name and change the pronunciation of his last name to emphasize the second syllable, thus adding a new level of the fear he already instills in others.
“I am Bol-Ton. Leave this place or be destroyed.”
Whereupon Kofi wets himself and hides behind the big fern in his office.
I would pay money to watch Biden squeel like a high school girl!!!
It’s not his demeanor that bothers them it’s that damn mustache. Personally, I’m a bit concerned that that hairy thing might pupate and turn into a big lime green moth.
that John Bolton has not yet repaired his reputation as an ineffective “bully.”
I hate to agree, but he is kind of an ineffective bully. I mean, Syria is still on the map, Kofi is still Sec Gen and Hans Blix has gone disturbingly un-punched.
An effective bully would have handled all that by now.
Heaven forbid we should send someone to the United Nations who actually possesses a backbone.
“Invertebrates only” need apply, so the Dems seem to say.
In related news, the Democratic congressional leadership has submitted a list of candidates for UN ambassador for whom they would consider voting. Included on the list are Pee-Wee Herman, Alan Alda, Tinky Winky the Teletubbie, and Teddy Kennedy’s favorite bartender.
Plus he kept asking John McCain “why do you keep hitting yourself? Why do you keep hitting yourself?”
This is great fodder for the upcoming podcast.
(upcoming, of course meaning wishful thinking on my part…)
//Democrats on Thursday said they remain opposed to President Bush’s pick for U.N. ambassador, //
There go those democrats, SAYING stuff again…why I remember that one time…