Driving your own car is racist

In Russell County, Alabama, (just across the river from Columbus, Georgia, for the geographically impaired) there was a discussion last week about using county vehicles.

The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer has the story, but here’s a summary:

One county commissioner — one of the four white ones — brought up for a vote a policy saying that county commissioners could use the county-owned Ford Explorer only when traveling outside the local counties (Russell County, Alabama and Muscogee County, Georgia).

Commissioners would have to use their own personal vehicle when driving in the local counties, and could be reimbursed at the standard rate.

Another commissioner — one of the three black ones — called the proposed policy “racist.”

The vote was 3-3-1. That broke down to three whites voting “yes,” three blacks voting “no,” and one white abstaining.

They finally ended up agreeing to research what the policy has been, since nobody remembered.

Without knowing what the previous policy was, assuming there was one, it seems to me that a county vehicle could be used for county business, regardless of where the business is. A policy that says you can’t use a county vehicle for county business in the county is … stupid. Not racist, just stupid.

Calling it “racist” is … racist. And stupid.

At least it’s nice to know that stupidity is color-blind.


  1. Anything that threatens a black politician’s perks is invariably labeled ‘racist’. I wish there were a magic word I could throw at people who complicate My life that would instantly make them back down.
    “I have a gun!” – nope.
    “Thus sayeth the Lord!” – nope.
    “Allah Ackbar!” – nope.
    “I’m gonna throw up!” – sometimes.

  2. You’re right. It’s not racist, but it is stupid.

    But when was the last time anyone successfully opposed anything to do with government simply because it was stupid? The race card works; the stupidity card doesn’t.

  3. I know I’ve said it before but we really need to get rid of every one in politics from the ground up and start again. This time we need to find people of SENSE, INTEGRITY (doing the right thing even when you know no one is looking) and COURAGE and ask them to serve not engage in the popularity contest we now do.

    Of course the Media, who should be the watch dogs, who should be vetting the candidates, all of them, are mostly to blame. If they did their jobs correctly we could make informed decisions about those running for office instead of basing our votes on the color of their skin (98% of black voters cast theirs for Obamalamadingdong according to one source) their promises (promise them everything just to get elected, worked for Clinton and Carter didn’t for McGovern and Humphrey) and which famous people got on board the campaign train (Babs and Baldwin beat Derrik and Atkins apparently).

    This is one of the reasons Jefferson preferred a “Free Press”. Too bad we don’t have one anymore.

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