I am tired of our failure of a president. Isn’t it time the commander in queef manned up and did something about his two failing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Or maybe he wants them to go on as long as possible to kill as many civilians as possible.
We need to get an international tribunal to arrest him for war crimes. I’d insert names of evil people into his names to insult him (like “BusHitler”), but his father already did that for me.
Obama’s handling of our economy has been criminal! I am sick and tired of empty promises while we we suffer through Obama’s recession!
I don’t support the OEE (Obama Evil Empire) or his plans for world domination. Obama lied banks died. Hey this is fun.
Obama blends puppies! Also, he obviously hates gays as they are not allowed to get married yet. This IS fun!!!
Yes that one is going to be the third term of the Bush administration! See we warned you Bush was not going to leave!!!1! Why just look at all of the cronies he kept. I bet robber emaual is actually Karl Rove in disguise. And did you hear what he told queen pelosi? He must be arrested for war crimes now! Where is dennis kucinich when we need him?
You’re right #2, this is fun!
Umm, For a President who has been in office for less than 24 hours you people have sure given him alot of power! Obama hasn’t even “handled” the economy yet, the same economy that has been falling for years under a DIFFERENT President. And which President went and pushed for the first banking bailout that is so far not working? I’m pretty sure that wasn’t Obama.
These statements are why people want “change”. It is rude and condescending and yet when others do the same about Bush they are ignorant people. Pot and Kettle people. THis name calling and blanket statements make you no better than the Bush haters, no matter how you want to justify it.
Let me leave you with this: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
Give the man a chance before you hang him.
And where the hell is my UNICORN?!?!?!?!?!? At least when Hitler promised people unicorns, he gave them unicorns!!1!11!!11!1
And Hitler made the trains run on time too! You don’t get that from ObamaBushMcStalin!
I’ve started referring to him as Chumpy McHopeChange. It’s not as biting as I’d like, but I do like the layered wordplay.
One term I love for Obama’s supporters is from daybydaycartoon.com – Obots. Classic.
Speaking of Obama and Hitler, I’m probably going to pick up a copy of Liberal Fascism (advertised here to the right). BTW, I highly recommend Energy Victory by Robert Zubrin. It’s pretty hard on everyone in office since Nixon for taking money from Arabs for selling out our economy. This should be required reading for anyone considering confirming Hillary for Sec of State, considering the millions arabs have poured into her husband’s “foundation”.
Oh, something not talked about AT ALL in liberal circles. The world has 10 years of Indium left, which is necessary for solar panels and LCD displays. The replacement technology is no where near prime time yet.
Lord Obama said we would be out of Iraq by now. Stop Obama’s endless war!!
Hey…I could get used to this….it IS kind of fun.
Lessee…….”IMPEACH MAXINE WATERS!!!!” (This would be good practice for the main event…as Waters is a complete drooling idiot, and an easy target…..)
Laurel at #5 comment is a lousy Freeper Troll. Kill the comment! I got my unicorn pony yesterday. Dude, they friggin’ STANK. AND, to add insult to injury, I tried to name him “Sherman” and was quickly told that he was already named “Mortimer.” That is just a stupid name. Can’t even name my OWN FREE UNICORN.
What’s the deal? The amount of hope I am experiencing today is <= to the hope I had yesterday… And, I just checked my bank account. Guess what? The balance is no greater than yesterday’s balance. Where is all this change we were promised. That One’s pants must be on fire.
Hey, don’t be so hard on Lord Obama! The Glorious Bucket-Clad One is already following through on his promise of “change” to America: just look at the Dow Jones Industrial Average. He managed to bring more than 300 points of “change” there, and that’s only his first day! The only thing that could possibly be better than this huge change would be an UPWARD change in the Dow…
I’m still getting gas bills! I thought this was supposed to be taken care of, and where’s my free groceries President Hopey Changerton? Too busy persecuting innocent Muslims and pursuing your imperialistice fantasies? Damn, frozen dinners again…this is an outrage! (this must be what Keith Olberman feels like)
I love that photoshop.
Ummm #5 — As an (as #8 referred) obot, I am sure you are aware that the kenyan idiot has promised that my mortage would be forgivin and that I too could purchase expensive land from tony rezko at greatly discounted prices, and the land next door for pennies on the dollar. I am going to need that land to feed the unicorn that was promised to everyone, and to hold the pot of gold at the end of the promised rainbow. Yes it has been almost 24 hours and none of that has arrived yet. I want change now darnit! WHERE IS MY CHANGE?!!11!
Why haven’t the oceans receded yet? dammit, I want some results…I cannot be expected to worship an idol that cannot perform, as he PROMISED. gheeeesh
So, all you can come up with is calling me a troll and an obot. Haha, very funny. As I recall he never said change was coming January 21st 2009 or that it would be easy. This is why America is in trouble. Hateful spewing of nonesense, no respect for anyone but themselves and their agenda. WE WANT IT NOW is how the mortgage and credit crisis has grown. Patience people, this kind of verbiage doesn’t do anyone any good.
as for #15 are you in trouble with your mortgage for it to be forgiven? Or are you just looking for a free handout and not have to suffer the repurcussions of a poor decision made on the advice of a greedy mortagage broker? I may not be rich at this point but I would be willing to help you out with your mortgage if you are indeed in trouble. Because that is what I believe God would want me to do.
Laurel, you infantile, purulent bucket of rotting brainlessness, you are missing the point entirely. And besides, we are merely showing the current president each and every courtesy and consideration that you lefttard, enacephalic waterheads gave the previous president. I’m sure you’re a neo-pagan, eastern mythology jackhole like the rest of your animist, same sex loving assbag ilk on the Left. It’s called Karma. Deal with it… bitch.
Now to pray for the utter contempt I had for a mental/spiritual/ethical minimus like Laurel.
Pray forgiveness rather. From God. Not from the godless harpy with the mental capacity of a Fruit Fly, Laurel.
This is why America is in trouble. Hateful spewing of nonesense, no respect for anyone but themselves and their agenda. WE WANT IT NOW is how the mortgage and credit crisis has grown. Patience people, this kind of verbiage doesn’t do anyone any good.
I could not agree more. Where have you been the last eight years?
But seriously (or not) I’m dying. You’ve done a fantastic job playing the ‘straight man’ in this comedy.
Has Osama surrendered yet, or will the President have to send Joe after him?
So, like I’m consulting currently at a large corporation in Minneapolis that announced big layoffs yesterday. And this AFTER Obama became President of The United States! Now I hear today that the layoffs announced yesterday might just be the beginning! Obama’s recession continues…
I cannot believe he has continued the mass killings at Gitmo and his illegal “war on terror”. We used to be a country of the rule of law, but now we only exist to serve the rich.
Death Valley is still dry.
We still occupy Hawaii in violation of international law.
Children in Appalachia still cannot read or write as they tread barefoot and dirty to their labor camps.
We still burn coal to power our electric chairs for the mass slaughter of innocents.
And New Orleans is still below sea level.
Desertelephant, you just proved my point. Thank you.
Do not despair, Laurel, for I, your Saviour, will put these non-believers in camps and put you in charge of this blog. I say again, your unthinking adoration of Me will be rewarded!
Laurel. Stop. You’re killing me!
You just proved his. Again!
How long is Obama going to let this Global Warming continue. Why, in just one day, the temperature where I live has increased 5 whole degrees! I thought his administration was going to make solving climate change a top priority. How long will he irresponsibly let the earth suffer while he jets about in his fancy AF1 and gets shuttled around in gas guzzling limos?
Laurel…you heathen! Lord “O” is the one! The minute he took office, he was suppose to solve everything just by raising his hand! It’s been a full day, and he hasn’t paid my rent, I still have to go to work, I still have to pay my bills, I don’t have free health care and gas isn’t a cent a gallon! We still have troops in Iraq! The Arabs are burning his picture and they still hate us! He hasn’t yet surrendered to France! And now you want to give him time? Are you reneging for him already? Sheesh!
Wait, I’m confused…
Hasn’t the left been doing unto us for the past 8 years as they wanted us to do unto them???
What’s the problem then?
Who exactly are these “Pot and Kettle people” Laurel is talking about?
Is it some sort of code word? -for something pots and kettles have in common, maybe?
I thought we were finally past racism in this country, now that we’ve elected our first ‘Pot and Kettle’ president.
-Except his mother was white, so I guess that would make him our first ‘Pot’ president…although that sounds like a more fitting description of Clinton.
As a lifelong Democrat, I have to admit I have grown tired of stupid McChimpyHussein and his puppet master Darth Hairplugs and their Wars against innocent people.
Just yesterday the Fascist rounded up a Million Innocent Civilians in Freezing Cold and subjected them to the infamous unbearable torture called “Aretha Franklin”. That man is a WAR CRIMINAL and should be arrested immidiately!
I started reading these comments at work and was laughing louder than I should have. Then I got to Laurel’s comments and nearly peed myself.
Laurel is stupid and what’s worse, has no sense of humor. What a retard, to take seriously comments so obviously meant as humor. So quick to jump to his defense-must show her own lack of faith in her president’s ability. And turn around is fair play, lady. Get used to it.
I like how easy it is to make up things to call BHO. My favorite is still Dumbo McChangeypants. And I really want a poster of him with a bucket on his head.
Laurel was perfect!
While we lampooned libs attacking President Bush, she lampooned a frustrated conservative pleading for fairness from the libs. She’s brilliant!
Or she’s dumber than a sack full of hammers stuck in wet cement.
(The difference, dear Laurel, is that when we do it, WE know it sounds crazy!)
Im still fond of “Hopey McChangerson” and “SloeJoe”, but for efficiency of keystrokes I think I’ll stick with Smugs, Plugs and/or Obots. Let’s not forget Her Thighness (aka PIAPS) either.
I’m actually looking forward now to being a backseat driver for the next 4 years while the Demoncrats (that’s about as nice a name as Rethuglicans, eh Laurel) are in charge.
And yes, I intend to be as supportive and fair (probably more so, but that’s just me) towards The O as the media and their disciples have been of Dubya, Cheney, and Sarah Palin.
What the Liberals have reaped for the past 8 years, they shall now sow. After all, it’s our patriotic duty to keep our leaders accountable; at least it was when GeorgeW was in charge. So suck it up and deal.
“Are we there yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet?”
Ohmygoodness – WAY too late to be laughing like this!
I had my first full-day of referring to Obummer as “YOUR president” in THE most scathing way to my liberal friends. For 8 years that’s how they referred to Bush when speaking to me. I didn’t even have to practice saying it with complete and utter DISGUST, either. Just came naturally. Boy this is going to be FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to add a share button so we can spread these around easier !
Heil Hitlama! You too can raise Hitlamas and they make good pets. Their fur is very valuable.
Based upon his poor performance these past three days, ObamaBabyBuggyBumpers ought to be impeached. Look at his record to date:
Bush & Cheney STILL not prosecuted for war crimes.
CAFE standards STILL clogging our atmosphere while lining the pockets of those evil Automaker corporate
Union Bossesoverlords.Civilians are STILL getting
drunkbombed in the Afghan villages.Guantanamo STILL holding
TerroristsFreedom Fighters. (This one’s a war crime, isn’t it?!!)He hasn’t even called Ahmadinijad yet to start talking to Iran.
Meanwhile the Housing crisis, the Banking crisis, the Middle East crisis, and Global Warming just drag on and on and on seeming without end. I mean, it’s like he’s not doing ANYTHING about them. It’s like he DOESN’T CARE!!
How long is he supposed to get away with this before the people wake up to this evil, cynical, power grab.
I’ll tell you one thing about this Administration – I am definitely going to finally learn where the CAPS LOCK key is on my keyboard.
You said ‘reneging’.
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