I like to keep my religion simple. I make small fires and worship them.
I’m not your typical Republican. I have tattoos, I wear shoes on my hands, and I enjoy arson. I’m what the Party needs.
I am not your typical Republican. I wear black, I own a pet dingo, and I live in an abandoned water tower. I can appeal to today’s youths.
I’m not your typical Republican. I have gay friends, I’ve been hiccuping for eight years, and I can play a sitar. I’m the Party’s future.
I’m for beating terrorists with a hammer if it will help get needed information or is funny.
If the Republican Party wants to be relevant today, it needs to abandon its purely religious objection to strangling babies.
To be clear, Andrew Sullivan is against torturing any terrorists for no matter what’s at stake, but logic is fair game?
It’s so much better when the words “Tweets”, “Twitter”, and “Tweeted” aren’t involved.
I don’t know about that MarkMancuso, this would have been much easier to read if it were on Twitter.
Okay, but that’s not really my point, Veeshir. I could really care less about the whole concept behind “Twitter”. I just hate the stupid name they gave it. 😉
Frank, when I get the hiccups, I drink lots of scotch, neat, until they go away.
Build a fire, and drink lots and lots of scotch. Next morning, you won’t have the hiccups…though you’ll probably wake up with a new tatoo.
As a conservative Christian and lifelong Republican, I find this post troubling. We must have a big tent, and not so quickly dismiss the shoehands, the pyrotheists, or chromatically-challenged gay sitar players. The future is youth. It matters not that in the future the youth will be old, and realize how stupid they were to worship fire and wear their pants around their ankles. We must adopt their ways, or be forced to adopt Twitter to be cool.
A good basic tip for your religious beliefs: I’ve found that if someone’s actually walking around giving speeches today, they’re probably not a god.
Once again proving that I am my best audience and quite often, my only audience who thinks what I write is funny.
But I usually make myself laugh so I guess that’s all that matters.
Well, that and my enourmous genitals.
What about Republicans like me who don’t wear pants? I’m so tired of being discriminated at Republican get togethers because I don’t wear pants. I’m not welcome there, I’m not welcome at the Home Depot, or at church. Hey, the church bulletin said “Come as you are”.
In my country, people wear hats on their feet & hamburgers eat people!
(It’s in the southern hemisphere)
To us, those who wear shoes on their hands are unwashed heathens.
Wait… is this a twitter post? Are you trying to confuse me? What if I don’t like this post and it ISN’T a twitter post? Am I then IMAO and, thus, anti Extreme Right Wing potential terrorist?
I refuse to have an opinion on this post unless Harvey tells me what it is.
I’m not your typical Republican who’s running the party today. I believe in control of ILLEGAL immigration, a smaller, limited Federal government, lower taxes for everyone, self-reliance and responsibility, no earmarks, and fighting for what I believe in even if I get teased by all the kool kids in Hollywood or the WaPo.