Drudge reports that the president of France has called the president of the U.S. “weak” and “meek.”
The source of that, an article at the Times Online, says that Nicolas Sarkozy was critical of Barack Obama’s performance at the G20, specifically in relation to his stance regarding Turkey:
Mr Obama was meekly yielding to Turkey’s refusal to endorse Anders Fogh Rasmussen as the alliance’s new Secretary-General. It took pressure from Mr Sarkozy and Chancellor Merkel of Germany to stiffen him up and change his mind, say the French.
France and Germany working together against the Americans? That hasn’t happened to this degree since the July 1940 to August 1944 time frame.
But is it really the Americans they are against? Or just this intern that occupies the Oval Office?
I’m actually going to enjoy this.
No, not another country criticizing the president of the United States. That’s the job of right-wing extremists like me.
What I’m going to enjoy is watching my liberal friends (yes, I have a couple) and acquaintances try to sort this out.
They absolutely love Europe. And they love the French most of all the western European countries.
They also love Obama.
I’m going to watch the liberals’ heads explode as they try to figure out what to do.
I hope I get pictures.
When the French call you weak…it’s like the pot calling the kettle black( raaacist! ). When the French call you weak… they are saying you must be related to them. When the French call you weak…it’s probably true, they are authorities on weak,effete, surrender-monkeys ( raaacist! )
as they say FTF………….
Change you can believe in…in just 100 days we’ve gone from the world’s greatest country – the envy of the world, despised for our stature – to being even more pathetic than the French.
I guess Obama wasn’t strong enpught o pull that biucket off of his head, and the French had to help.
Lenny Kravitz is gonna produce Carla Bruni’s new album and you all know Lenny. He’s not gonna let this one pass and Sarkozy knows it. Believe me, he’s gonna make her sing.
Now I’m rooting for the French guy? What is the world coming to?
I don’t know if it’s true, but I read years ago that the French were once a tall, war-like people; feared and respected throughout the world. (Roland, the 3 Musketeers).
But so many of France’s finest young men died in Napoleon’s wars that the next generation of France was the result of pairings between the womanhood of France and the 4-F, Corporal Lebeau-like leftovers, which caused the average height of Frenchmen to drop by several inches.
Call it ‘Napoleon’s Revenge’.
It’s as good an explaination as any of France’s poor win/loss record in the last 200 years.
Perhaps France’s recent war-like response to the Somali pirates and President Sarkozy’s demonstration that he may actually have a pair marks the re-emergence of that dormant warrior gene?
But then again, Nicolas Sarkozy isn’t a particularly ‘French’ name.
Hybrid vigor?
Time will show Turkey’s principled stand against Fogh to be right and justified, Obama to be thoughtful and one of our great presidents and Sarko to be a passing fad (Carla excepted).
[Time will show you’re a dumbass. Whoops! Time’s up! – B]