Defending Jimmy Carter

Our 39th president made the news again recently. Former president Jimmy Carter, already famous for having an unemployment rate almost as high as Barack Obama’s, blamed racism for opposition to Obama.

I’ve met Jimmy Carter. Sure, I’ve only met him twice, but that’s probably more than you’ve met him. I remember when he was governor of my state. I remember when he was president of my country — which many of you may not.

For what it’s worth, I do not think Jimmy Carter was lying.

Hold on there, conservatives. Hear me out…

I did not say Carter was right. I said he wasn’t lying. There’s a difference.

For instance, if Tweety Bird sees Sylvester and says “I tawt I taw a puddy tat,” he’d be wrong. Sylvester isn’t a “puddy” … he’s a “tom.” Tweety isn’t lying; he’s simply mistaken.

Tweety says “puddy tat” because that’s what he knows. And it’s the same with Jimmy Carter. He knows racism. His campaign used subtle racist tactics against former governor Carl Sanders in the 1970 gubernatorial race in Georgia.

So, I don’t think Carter is lying. He’s projecting.

Politically, there’s not a lot of difference between Carter and Obama. Because they are so close on the issues, I believe Carter truly supports Obama’s initiatives.


That means that if Carter opposed Obama, it could only be for one reason: racism.

So, he thinks that conservatives oppose Obama because of racism. Like some guy named Frank J. Fleming said, liberals can’t imagine any other reason for opposing Obama.

One other thing: Obama and Carter aren’t completely alike. Obama will stand in front of the United States Congress and lie to America about his health care plan. I really don’t think Carter is a liar, though. He’s simply wrong.

Being wrong doesn’t make someone bad. Tweety Bird, for instance, was mistaken about the type of “tat” that Sylverster was.

Of course, Tweety Bird is a cartoon. Jimmy Carter is merely cartoonish.


  1. But he Is a cartoon!
    (King of the Hill, Season Six, “The Father, Son and J.C.”)

    Cotton Hill shoots his limo with a nail gun.
    Carter yells, as his windows shatter, “They told me it was bullet-proof!”

    [Cotton Hill? He’s my hero. You know, he killed fitty men. – B]

  2. Jimma’ Carter was the worst president in the history of this country. He is now number 2 ( get your minds out of the gutter, y’all know what I mean). I have only one thing I’m thankful for, that the genes that produced Jimma’ will now be totally removed from the pool.

    Thank you Amy.

    [Okay, being from Georgia, I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But isn’t Amy the mother of Jimmy’s grandson, 10-year-old Hugo James Wentzel?

    Or am I missing something? – B]

  3. I wish I could be so charitable as to say that he is simply mistaken, but I don’t think so. I think he is a lying #$%^*!#$. I think he knows full well it is not racism, but I think he is stuck on power for the Democrats at the expense of the truth.

    I have to laugh when I think of how Jimmah Carter used to make a big deal out of teaching Sunday School classes at the Baptist Church in DC while he was president. I do hope he never taught any lessons on the subject of bearing false witness.

  4. Jimmy Carter is a mystery to me. As president he was simply … well, weak. A small-time politician who was never up to the job of the presidency, but did the best he could under very, very trying circumstances. After Reagan whupped his ass in 1980, he left public life quietly and spent most of his time on operations like Habitat for Humanity. Then, many years later, he wigged out and became the aging moonbat we all know and sneer at. The personality change was so marked that it’s hard for me to believe the Carter of 1976-1980 and the Carter of today are the same guy. I’ve always wondered what happened to change him.

  5. Jimmy Carter is also a selfish man. I just let him kiss me right on the baby portobello and he said he didn’t like the flavor. He reminded me of when enjoyed another dirt button…”Yasser’s butthole was like a candy store, I tellyawhut.”, he said in his goofy-ass pnut farmer/ fancy lad voice.

  6. Worst living president, Carter or Bush?
    While I avoid gross overgeneralizations about millions of people I’ll never meet or study, I believe some of the opposition to Obama is based on race, judging from what I’ve heard in person or seen on the web.

    [First, the mere fact that you suggest that Bush may be the worst living president says tons about how big of an idiot you are. That sorta invalidates anything else you say.

    Still, I will mention this: I’ve seen much more support for Obama based solely on race than I have opposition to Obama based on race. But, I live in the south. I have no idea how many bigots there may be where you live. – B]

  7. Like the 10 yr. old’s quip of ‘He who smelt it , dealt it.’, I’ve found that those that accuse,( especially Dhimmicrats ) most often are guilty of said accusation. Jimma Carter has always been a closet bigot in regards to blacks, and an open apologist for Palestinians. Carter’s decrepitude will allow more of it to seep out in public.

  8. I remember Jimma the Peanut, The Pain from Plains. I miss the “America held hostage” reports.

    By your reasoning nobody in Washington is lying, they’re just mistaken. I fear you have wandered into Nietzsche land with this one.

  9. I believe that Carter was raised in the south with deep racist roots running through his blood, but knows that it is not good to be racist and he is fighting with every ounce of white guilt he has to convince himself that being racist is bad. He is trying so hard to outrun his racism, but that is all he can see and feel deep in his heart. So naturally, he would believe that this is exactly how all white Americans are.
    Jimmy has never been able to rise above his raisin’.

  10. The theory holds water…. what the author hit on was intent. And in this case if you follow the authors logic, Carter is wrong, but it isnt his intent to enflame or support, he just cant perceive any other reason to not support Obama (projection) therefore in his heart he isnt lying.

    The other theory is that Carter is just a shill, knows damn good and well that the majority that dont support Obama, do so on a political level with nothing to do with race.

    Either way he’s FUBAR

  11. Personally I don’t care what old senile Jimmy Carter has to say or thinks. He’s illrelevant and needs to go back to the old folks home and shut up. I wish they would stop letting him escape and say stupid things.

  12. I liked this very reasonable comment –

    “While I avoid gross overgeneralizations about millions of people I’ll never meet or study, I believe some of the opposition to Obama is based on race, judging from what I’ve heard in person or seen on the web.”

    I have no doubt there are some nuts in Bassakward Montana who oppose Obama due to race. At the same time, I think the proof of racism and it’s relationship to Obama is the fact that 96% of blacks voted for Obama. No group voted with as much solidarity for Obama than the black vote. And why – because he is black. If that’s not proof of racism, what is.

    And it’s curious, any opposition to Obama’s policies are greeted with jeers of racism.

    Obama’s supporters are his own worst enemies. If they refuse to engage in constructive discourse with those who oppose them, because someone dares to question Obama’s decisions, because he’s black, then they will be marginalized. Inability to think beyond racism, is racism. Inability to defend policies is lack of critical thinking.

    It’s really sad that there appera to be many in the Obama camp who cannot get past the color of someones skin.

  13. Mr. Carter has once again confused the issue by trying to “clarify” it. There is no racism in America; Jessie Jackson taught us to look beyond the color of our skin – remember the Rainbow Coalition? He, and Al Sharpton and Rev. Wright have spent years pounding that into our heads – there is no differences among men due to the color of their skin… unless it is a white skin and that’s a different story because white is not a color, it’s the absence of color and no wonder the white man is always screwing things up… don’t worry, the president of the United States is a good man who wants to do us in good and his skin is not white so there must be some good to come of all this… the common thread here is that all democrats know the really important color is green and the more green they can take away from us the more power they will have and we won’t. Would someone please turn out Jimmy’s night light so he can get back to sleep? Mrs. Carter, could you find something for Jimmy to do? Monitoring ACORN might be usefull.

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