Watch Out, Michael Moore

That’s right: Chimps are now making movies.

If you were afraid that the revolution wouldn’t be televised when the apes takeover, now it will be.

I don’t expect this to go very far, though, because the chimps will soon be blackballed for not being union. Still, I’m going to be trigger happy next time I see a camera thinking it might be a chimp.


  1. Ok. I admit that it is disturbing that monkeys are making movies. But if you watch closely, that one monkey tries to eat the camera. They are never going to take over the world if they can’t tell the difference between cameras and bananas.

    We are safe. For now.

  2. And the Academy Award for Best Picture Filmed by a Monkey goes to…

    …Fufu, for “Sky Ground Sky Ground Smash Camera”! *

    No, Fufu! Don’t eat the award!

    * title stolen from last night’s “This Hour has 22 Minutes”

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