The Answer

FrankJ recently pondered:

50 years from now, I wonder what Segways will look like.

Ponder no more:

[YouTube direct link]

Via I Hate My Cubicle!!! [Caution: Site may contain content not suitable for work or children]


  1. this looks terrible for combat. the rescue a troop mode is great and all, but that’s a function a lot of robots and carts already feature.

    This thing is totally awesome, though. They should put a scary looking robot on top. I’m not even kidding. A lot of the people we face in the Middle East are incredibly paranoid and scared of our technology. This cart could easily be modified to look incredibly scary. We could even advertise it has mind reading capabilities. Two red eyes in a steel skull.

    I don’t know why we don’t press this potential advantage. We could ‘accidentally’ leak to wikileaks a report on androids posing as Taliban leaders, who can only be exposed if you cut out its left eyeball. Watch as all Taliban start wearing eyepatches.

    then again, if it were my call, we’d use special effects to create the impression that some actor of ours was the reborn prophet muhammed. He’d tell them to stop blowing up kids and chill the F out.

  2. Umm…This thing or my Gold Wing? I think I will stick to 1,800+CC’s since I don’t even know where to go to ride off-road like this. And if I did, I’d have a bad a$$ 4 wheeler or a monster Dirt Bike. Not a gay skateboard that does only 30mph…

  3. This is for the military? Well, two things:

    1) I guess “don’t ask, don’t tell” has already been repealed.

    2) Are we now going to have contracts with the countries we are at war with, with riders specifying they must create “Segway paths” for our mechanical scooters to ride on?

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