Or If You Want to Go Mass-Murder Innocent People…

[High Praise! to Moonbattery]

Join other citizens as you report and find Gun Free Zones throughout the United States. Whether you want to shop in gun free zones as often as possible or avoid them altogether, this app will help you shop, play, and do business with like-minded people.

So… any chance this abominable app will get the blame for the next shooting in a gun free zone?

UPDATE: I overreacted a bit with this post, and I apologize to the app’s creator in the comments.


  1. America should be one large gun free zone. We need to evolve from this knuckle dragging hyper macho super masculinist loser perspective. All it does is get people killed. Women nurture and consensus build. Which is why I am ecstatic about President Obama letting women take a nurturers role on the frontlines of violent macho imperialist warfighting. Although that it took a man to do this makes me sick. Hillary or Michele should’ve done it. Obama being a non-macho anti-oppressor of mixed race kind of makes up for his being –ugh–male.

  2. Ouch. I’m the app creator and I had hoped for a little better than it being called abominable.

    I would ask how you’re going to get rid of the gun free zones? What’s you plan to get businesses to take their silly gunbuster signs down? My app is not perfect, I’ll admit. What do you have that’s better than telling people where they should not shop? Do you really think this app is telling criminals something they don’t already know?

    I built the app as an unorganized boycott tool. Once businesses see the 70 million gun owners shopping elsewhere, they’ll take the gun free zone signs down. And, by using the GunFreeZone app, people know where they’re safe and where they’re not safe. I think it will save lives – lots of them.

    Drop me an e-mail, Harvey. I’d love to explain a little more to you about why I built it and what I plan on doing with it. I would also like to point you towards some other people who see the real potential in what we’re doing with it.

  3. @5 – cptnmoroni – I want to apologize to you. My first reaction on learning of the existence of the app was to picture in my mind the people who would use this app because they think guns are bad. I don’t like short-sighted people like that and I unthinkingly transferred my animosity to you. I know your app, like guns themselves, are morally neutral. I’m sorry that I did that. Please accept my apology.

  4. Cool, now I have a way to put other businesses on my Dicks’ list. Because those screwballs wont get another dollar of my money since coming out of the closet on being anti-gun, anti-second amendment, yes masta I’ll give up all my freedoms so you can protec me jerkoff company.

    We need more crap like this so we the people can better VOTE WITH OUR WALLETS and not give progressives a lick of business.

  5. It looks like a pretty good app. I’ll be adding data as I wonder around. Having been at the Mall where there was a robbery, with a shooting, I tend not to go places where I can’t carry.

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