Abby… Someone

Researchers now say they’re are able to grow some human organs in the lab.

Bet Biden’s praying they learn how to cook up brains before 2016.


  1. Biden doesn’t stand a chance of being the next president of the United States. In the pantheon of the libtard hierarchy female always trumps male, just as black female always trumps white female. Therefor if Hillary runs, Biden’s goose is cooked. If Michelle runs, both Hillary and Biden’s goose is cooked. And, if any one of the three wins…all of our geese are cooked!

  2. When you infer that Cooked Brains are superior to Raw Ones, you ‘offend’ all who are part of The Raw Substance Movement.
    What’s so-awful-bad about ‘Raw’ anyway ?
    It works for many carnivores and speeds up the eating process.
    Whenever Joltin’ Joe make any comments of any kind, they always rub me ‘Raw’, so why cook his replacements?
    ‘Raw’ is his seeming guidepost, so lets use it for his forthcoming campaign :
    “Vote Joe, Iffin’ you want to be Rubbed Raw ,…He’s your only hope……..”

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