There was an old woman named Nancy,
Her thoughts are not clever or fancy,
She toes the lib line,
Thinks high taxes are fine,
So trusting her judgment is chancy…
There once was a Senator named Ted,
Who came from a family well bred.
His car, it did swerve,
Off that bridge round the curve,
It’s a shame he wasn’t the one left dead.
Joe Biden will start a big war
With Prussians and Hessians and Boer
Though long dead and gone
He’ll stand on his lawn
Shouting “it’s you who’s history’s poor!”
The Dems think the cops are the ones
That only should own all the guns
At the same time they fight
With all of their might
To portray cops all as demons
Of Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, McEnany, & Trump
There are only two they are wanting to dump.
anyone in the press corpse
will gladly do this, of course
As Soros tells them which way to jump.
Jim Acosta’s a vain, preening fool,
Hoping his ilk will presently rule.
He poses and struts,
Driving colleagues near nuts,
While McEnany takes him to school…
Liberals, freedoms malignant tumors
Ideals as fascist as Schumer’s
Inoperable are Pelosi’s schemes
Delusional as Biden’s dreams
To murder all Republican boomers
In Washington, things are a mess.
The future is anyone’s guess.
Some would tax more,
while some will want war,
But you can’t get a clue from the press.
“It’s scandalous!” the press corp aver
When McEnany had the cheek to declare
That between Trump and Joe
(Who we all know is slow)
Is “A Race Between The Tortoise and The Hair”
With honor and truth be a lackin’
The press gets its daily butt smackin’
“Send McEnany out there”
Says Donald with flair
His version of “LET LOOSE DA KRAKEN!”
There was once a man named Trump
His tweets seem to give him a bump
Some complain his tweets are a shame
But their arguments are so very lame
And they can kiss my rump
If sleepy Joe Biden is best
Of all with a “D” on their vest
His chosen VP
We’ve still yet to see
Perhaps “she” is under duress
(Or under her dress if you ask walruskkkch)
The liberals are mad at the cops
They’re presently looting their shops
It’s just an excuse
To let themselves loose
Before Joe Biden’s memory flops
Ask me what?
Oh I confused you with a former hostage who made a comment on the other post. Well, they say the memory something something…
Maybe I should launch a presidential campaign for a Senate seat
You got my vote, if I can remember where my precinct is located.
There was an old woman named Nancy,
Her thoughts are not clever or fancy,
She toes the lib line,
Thinks high taxes are fine,
So trusting her judgment is chancy…
There once was a Senator named Ted,
Who came from a family well bred.
His car, it did swerve,
Off that bridge round the curve,
It’s a shame he wasn’t the one left dead.
Joe Biden will start a big war
With Prussians and Hessians and Boer
Though long dead and gone
He’ll stand on his lawn
Shouting “it’s you who’s history’s poor!”
Despicable Senator Schumer,
A man totally lacking in humor.
He flips and he flops
About taxes or cops,
He has no moral core – that’s the rumor
The Dems think the cops are the ones
That only should own all the guns
At the same time they fight
With all of their might
To portray cops all as demons
Of Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, McEnany, & Trump
There are only two they are wanting to dump.
anyone in the press corpse
will gladly do this, of course
As Soros tells them which way to jump.
Jim Acosta’s a vain, preening fool,
Hoping his ilk will presently rule.
He poses and struts,
Driving colleagues near nuts,
While McEnany takes him to school…
Liberals, freedoms malignant tumors
Ideals as fascist as Schumer’s
Inoperable are Pelosi’s schemes
Delusional as Biden’s dreams
To murder all Republican boomers
Hmmm… that’s about as rhythmic as a jackhammer with the hiccups.
In Washington, things are a mess.
The future is anyone’s guess.
Some would tax more,
while some will want war,
But you can’t get a clue from the press.
“It’s scandalous!” the press corp aver
When McEnany had the cheek to declare
That between Trump and Joe
(Who we all know is slow)
Is “A Race Between The Tortoise and The Hair”
That time Pelosi went on a bender
Poured all her booze in a blender
She blearily gazed
As Biden got tased
When to sniff her scalp he did upend her
With honor and truth be a lackin’
The press gets its daily butt smackin’
“Send McEnany out there”
Says Donald with flair
His version of “LET LOOSE DA KRAKEN!”
When Fredo caught COVID-19,
To his basement did Cuomo careen,
Laid low for a bit,
But arose in a snit;
“All of Trump’s supporters are mean!”
Chuckey’s complaints are so lameys
His whining is always the sameys
The Orange Man bad
He gives me a sad
Chuck’s vagina is bigger than Amy’s
There was once a man named Trump
His tweets seem to give him a bump
Some complain his tweets are a shame
But their arguments are so very lame
And they can kiss my rump