A sampling from a well-written sarcastic article:
Di Leo: What Values Are On The Ballot In 2024?
American Free News Network | March 25, 2024 | John F Di Leo… Vote for a Democrat today, and this what you’re really voting for:
Windmills: The magnificent combination of cutting edge 14th century Dutch technology and modern Chinese slave labor craftsmanship, sold as an energy source but actually a net energy drain and acreage hog, a mass killer of wildlife from birds to whales, and a net transfer of American wealth to China.
Solar Panels: The delusion that drilling hundreds of holes in one’s roof to counter the entire purpose of the shingles, necessitating re-setting whenever new shingles are needed (which will be soon, thanks to all those holes) – especially in areas like the Midwest that have long periods of rain, cloud, snow and ice rendering them useless, could possibly be a cost-effective energy producer without massive taxpayer subsidies.
Healthcare Destruction: After two hundred years of amazing medical achievements greatly advanced both life expectancy and quality of life, the Left’s commitment to zero population growth – or worse, to sudden net population reduction – has led them to support the active destruction of both our healthcare system and the confidence of individual patients in their doctors.
Mobility: Since the 15-minute-city imagined by the Left’s foreign superiors will never be willingly accepted by Americans, party policy is to back into it, by making all forms of transportation simply undesirable, unaffordable, and unavailable.
They can’t take away our freedom to assemble and travel, but they can and will take away our ability.
Criminal Justice: … a society so afraid that the population will reflexively turn to government for protection.
Education: A government bureaucracy, no different from any other except in its human cost. A source of campaign contributions and union power partnerships, a controlled farm club of school boards from which to springboard future state and federal candidates, an opportunity to indoctrinate children in whatever fancy tomorrow’s voters need to believe, from lies about the American Founding to Malthusian population theories, a ludicrous fear of carbon dioxide, and a hatred of energy sources that work.
Really, it’s for your own good.
Better stock up on gatorade for your gardens.