It is true that Communist want our Republic to be a Democracy so they can then go full-blown Communist. Those wanting to keep our Republican form of government are only recently becomming aware of the extent of the danger. Trump woke us up to the fact that the Propaganda Press, Mockingbird Media, MSM, or whatever you want to call it are propaganda outlets of the Administrative Deep State whose power supersedes our elected officials. If you want to know what the Deep State’s ‘Security Apparatus’ wants us to believe, read the Washington Post or Wall Street Journal. The Communist gains are slow but permanent which is an erosion of our Constitution. They have to be discredited and stoppeded before their harms can be rolled back.
It is true that Communist want our Republic to be a Democracy so they can then go full-blown Communist. Those wanting to keep our Republican form of government are only recently becomming aware of the extent of the danger. Trump woke us up to the fact that the Propaganda Press, Mockingbird Media, MSM, or whatever you want to call it are propaganda outlets of the Administrative Deep State whose power supersedes our elected officials. If you want to know what the Deep State’s ‘Security Apparatus’ wants us to believe, read the Washington Post or Wall Street Journal. The Communist gains are slow but permanent which is an erosion of our Constitution. They have to be discredited and stoppeded before their harms can be rolled back.