Score One for the Good Guys

Chris Muir may be close to getting his comic Day by Day syndicated (he says he can’t say much now, but will have news in July). Usually I am angered by the success of others, but, if Ted Rall can get published anywhere, then Day by Day should be able to get in tons of papers if there is any justice.

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  1. Excellent news. I’m 99.99% sure it wasn’t in the L(eftist) A(sshat) Times though. Be great if it were, but I can’t see it. Those guys go out of their way to savage anyone more conservative than Donna Shalala.

  2. This is great news! I discovered Day By Day just a few weeks ago and noe it is a daily stop for me (as well as reading through the entire archives LMAO)
    BTW, my NTM shirts arrived the other day so the missus and I should be sending in our entries for the Peace Gallery soon….

  3. rockynoggin,
    I’m all for a conservative strip, but I have to agree with you that Day by Day isn’t that funny. I wish the author good luck, but I just can’t enjoy it. Now, I hate ‘The Boondocks’ politics, but it can be really funny.

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