Almost through the heavy spot in work. While I’m blogging less you can check out this new blog from Laurence Simon of the now defunct Amish Tech Support: Ted Rall Is Full of Crap (thanks to Right Wing News for pointing me to it). My opinion is that Ted Rall should be ignored, but Laurence makes not ignoring him so much fun!
BTW, Tuesday is new DVD day, and I found out today is the re-release of my all-time favorite movie (and, according to a sticker on the cover, Quentin Tarantino’s favorite too), fully-restored with added footage: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The deleted scenes were in the Italian dub (which I had on my previous, now inferior DVD version), so they actually got Clint Eastwood and Eli Wallach (who, in my eyes, is the star of the movie) to redub the new scenes. Have it front of me now, as I stopped by Best Buy on the way home to pick it up. Sweeeet!
Also, I’ve now decided to start making a legal music collection to listen to at work. Any reccomendations, new groups and old? I like rock – none of that pansy-ass pop crap – and I’m trying to hone in on what are some good albums to start with.
Later, ronin.
Archive of entries posted on 18th May 2004
Frank Political Predicitons: The Discovery of WMD’s
So, I like heard we found WMD’s in Iraq or something. To be honest, I had completely forgot we were even looking for those. Amongst rebuilding Iraq, fighting insurgents, the Abu Grahib scandal, and Nick Berg’s death I guess the search for WMD’s got lost in the shuffle. When it came on the news yesterday, I didn’t even know what it stood for. “Is that a type of lubricant?”
Anyway, I’m too busy to watch the news to find out the fallout of this, but I’ll just use my magical powers of political punditry to predict what will happen.
* All critics of George W. Bush will admit how wrong they are and send Bush a written apology. Bush will also get letters for Santa Claus from some confused children.
* Foreign countries will now declare themselves fools for doubting American and vow to be more American and less foreign. All anti-Americans left will be jailed as insane and given excessive electroshock therapy.
* In a desperate move to stop Bush, John Kerry will steal all the WMD’s that were found. When the cops close in on him, he’ll hide the stolen WMD’s in his face.
* With Bush’s new popularity, Michael Moore will go on an eating binge (somewhat distinguishable from his normal eating habits) and will have one donut too many causing him to implode and suck Cannes into a sweaty, unshaven singularity.
* The destruction of Michael Moore and Cannes will get a standing ovation.
* Ted Rall will make an offensive comic about WMD’s to try and get some attention for himself. It will be denounced throughout the blogosphere and noticed by no one else.
* At the mere mention of WMD’s, France will declare an unconditional surrender to whoever will claim it first.
* No one will claim it.
* Seeing how great George W. Bush and the Republicans are, the Democratic Party will move out of the political business and instead go into catering.
* The Iraqi insurgents will decide they have gone too far and will now stop fighting Americans and instead vow to work hard with them to improve Iraq’s future.
* We’ll kill the insurgents anyway. Don’t f**k with us.
* The remaining terrorists will be overrun by monkeys who will steal their WMD’s. Damn you, terrorists, you’ve doomed us all! Damn you!
* Because of the accuracy of my predictions, I will be hailed as a genius and worshipped as a god. Religious service will be in the afternoon because I don’t like to get up early.