Links of the Day

Sarahk has one of her peace gallery photos up (yowza) and has a Bloglib(?) about me. She also has some angst about her age. Sometimes we all have to settle, SarahK. Me, I’m thinking of setting my sights on gun-toting t-shirt babes.
Rightwingduck gets righteously angry at insults to Latino Republicans. That blogger is going to be a star, I tells ya.
But no one will ever replace Rachel Lucas. Goodbye once more.
UPDATE: Oh, and this is hilarious.

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  1. Woah, you two. You’ve only known each other for three months now … I think a couple of flirtatious sentences is just moving things way to fast. Why, next you’ll be sipping a milkshake together at the soda fountain! Two straws from the same glass! Shame on you!
    Heh heh.
    You guys would make a perfect couple. If you ever go out on a date, tell me where so I can send a bottle of Champagne.

  2. Maggie,
    I like your style and you’re on the right track, but how do you think Chomps will feel about this supposed carriage. I think Chomps would just get angry at the carriage and eat it in the middle of traffic, which he would also get angry at and then he would eat the traffic.
    I always went for older women until Catherine Zeta put that restraining order on me. Apparently she only dates guys at least 20 years older than her. I figure I’ve got a shot at Demi Moore, but then again, I figure they’re all hollywood liberal douchebags. Anyway, enough about me and my restraining order history, this is about you. She’s a hot, older, gun-totin, conservative broad and she’s your one and only t-shirt babe. Get ’em Frank!
    Frank is a good man, and he’s funnier than me. That’s saying something. That’s saying four things actually. I volunteer myself as Viking of Honor at the wedding. Get ’em Sarah!

  3. I’d better get an invitation to the wedding, that’s all I will say about it. Plus, I may be OOOOLD (37) but I play a mean keyboard in the band I’m in. hehe… so if you’re needing any sort of musicians for the wedding, give me a call. Heck, I’d do this gig for free.
    Now, Frank, dear. listen to your IowaSoccerMom. Toss out the Aqua Velva IMMEDIATELY. Brush your teeth and floss at least twice daily. Don’t forget to change your undies every day, and use your deodorant. If you don’t have any deodorant, buy some. Now, be a good boy and CALL that sweet girl!
    Your care package of cookies is on the way.

  4. Whilst reading over my previous comment, I just noticed something. Could Demi Moore be half of Michael Moore. The manly Tank Girl/Stripper half? Demi means half right? Moore means big slobbery liberal retard. Half Moore + Michael Moore = Full Moore. Therefore, Demi Moore is Michael Moore. My intellect is dizzying, it even impresses me at times.

  5. Sarahk, you’re two months older than me. That should make you feel much older. Don’t ask me how.
    Rightwingduck, you make a very good point. All of my Latino friends are all Republicans, and very religious.
    Good job, guys. We “slammed” the jibjab server.

  6. That JibJab thing was pretty good. Lot’s better then those badgers singing “Footie, Footie, Footie, Footie, Footie, Footie, Footie, Footie, Footie…”
    Oh great. Now it’s in my head again! Where’s the ice pick!
    Congrates to SaraK and FrankJ. Who once again prove that love is not only blind, it’s stupid. (Does that sound bitter?)

  7. Veeerrry nice, rightwingduck. BUT, being that no race is perfect, and there are some on-the-fence Latino’s, are you trying to reach them in Spanish? It would be a great Reagan Ronin accomplishment.

  8. Wow, who would have thought that being a geeky, right-wing blogger would get you gorgeous, badass chicks gushing all over you?
    Ladies, my URL is
    Stop by anytime. I’m very right-wing, and very, very geeky.

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