Only So Many Hours in the Day

Man, you leave a week while getting a site redesign done and then you have a ton of catching up to do. First off, I want to update the Peace Gallery since I have pictures of my brother, Michelle Malkin, and our very own t-shirt babe SarahK and her sister. Also, I want to add a real FAQ, a Reagan’s Ronin page, and a new About Me. Won’t have time until the weekend, probably.
Also, I had over four hundred e-mails to sort through, so don’t feel bad if you don’t get a response. Everything gets read, though.
I still want to do a documentary on the left using flash animation. I’m going to be busy in the future (business trips), but I’ll have a sign up for those who want to help (and someone else will have to head the project – while I keep creative control, of course).
The Chomps design for the t-shirt is almost done. Hopefully I can get that finished up this week and then I’ll have a feature on it.
Yes, the third year of IMAO will be the most funtastic year ever, and you will help make that possible. Later, ronin.


  1. just so no one can say what they want to say in this, the top spot.
    and frank, by business trips, do you mean you’re going to come to texas to see your babe, who is part of your t-shirt selling business? if so, cool.

  2. Ok, I am beginning to understand the angst here. Due mainly to my inability to type and to preread my statements, my comment “mmmm… sister…..” should have been “hmmm… sister…..”. As in showing interest, not a disply of perversion. I retract the statement and offer my apologies for it.

  3. The new look is pretty cool (although the dark background makes the blue text hard to read on my monitor), but for some reason, my browser (Firefox .92) crashes every time I try to come here. Guess I’ll be using Opera again. 🙂

  4. Frank, I’m still on vacation so I will think of a question when I get back home tomorrow. It won’t be a math question since I’m on summer break from homeschooling which means I get to shut down half my brain (“just to make it fair”).

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