Not the Feel Good Movie of the Year

Just got an ad for the movie United 93 in my BlogAds. So far, every review says it is extemely well done and a must see. If you haven’t seen it yet, click on the ad to view the controversial trailer.
Some say it’s too soon; I say better too soon than too late. One day, people will have to be reminded of the story of United 93, and that’s what we don’t want to happen too soon.


  1. I saw it when it was on A&E. I don’t know how many changes they made to it to release it in theaters but the tv version did a very good job of filling in the many unknown gaps and tying all the bits together. I recommend seing it.
    P.S. I’m not going to give away the ending.

  2. Dan M.,
    Don’t know if you’re joking, but this is not the A&E movie Flight 93 but a big budget theatrical release.
    I know your joking on the last line of your comment, though.
    A number of people play themselves in United 93, inlcuding the guy in charge of flights whose first day was 9/11/01.

  3. I don’t think the A&E movie “Flight 93” is the same as the soon-to-be-released United 93. Trailers for each are significantly different (and they have different names). That said A&E’s movie was incredibly powerful, yet in excellent taste; I felt the same horror watching it as I did on that day. Documenting a real event with real footage cut into the movie amplified the horror untold times more than any end-of-the-world movie you might see with exploding buildings and what not. I’d have to say it’s not too early to start documenting these events. Never Forget.

  4. I don’t know about myself, I want to look away when they show the two towers
    plane crash footage, my tummy and heart just clench knowing there’s babies on those planes, scared husbands and wives…anyway, my hubby says they should show it, to make us remember…to remind the libs why our troops are still in the Middle East…keeping the Islamofacist loonies busy over THERE instead of here.

  5. For those who think it’s “too soon”, where were they when CBS aired “911”, using ACTUAL FILM FOOTAGE of the first plane hitting the tower, and the sound of dead bodies hitting the ground? Or the countless documentaries on History Channel, A&E, etc. And I guess it wasn’t “too soon” to established the bloviating “9/11 Commission”. The only reason anybody on the left is having a hissy fit about it is it rightly portrays Islamofascists as the terrorists they really are!!

  6. I too get that tummy clenching feeling when I see the previews. But I’m gonna go opening night, and probably bawl my way through.
    But it’s necessary, you know. The reminder of that terrible wake-up from the solemnent hippy-tude of college. It’s necessary to ensure that I don’t ever ever ever ever doze off again. And it’s necessary that we all remember that there were heroes that day, ordinary Americans who shouted the world’s loudest “F*CK NO!” into the face of evil.
    So, in a way, I can’t wait to go. I’ll be sure to bring a new box of kleenex, too.

  7. “Too soon?” Too soon for what? To face reality? I was disgusted by the television networks that were trying to filter the news for us as it happened on 9/11. It was the one time that CNN earned my respect, as they continued to show those poor victims jumping to their deaths. Why would any network feel that they need to “clean up the news” as it’s happening? This was an awful and disgusting attack on our country, and yet virtually EVERY network has since stopped showing those planes hitting the towers. Why? American citizens need to see what is being done to them. The footage of those poor Westerners being beheaded was shown over there, but not over here. And we wonder why so many Americans don’t have the resolve to fight back…because many of them don’t even know that we’re at war.
    As we’re fighting a war against the same Jihad Islamo-fascist movement that took part in those attacks, the networks are doing their best to make us forget about how disgusting their actions really were, while playing up some pablum about some of these idiots not getting treated like princes in Gitmo or Abu Graihb.
    It’s about time people remembered the innocent AMERICANS that were slaughtered for no good reason as part of this “rid the world of infidels” movement that the libs want to pretend is not going on.

  8. I’ll be there on opening night also. I too will deal with some emotional issues; mine are righteous anger and resolve (memo to dummy demmies — righteous means correct and good, as oppossed to lefteous anger, which is wrong and evil). I will also burst with pride, because it takes real patriots to do what the heroes on this flight did. I’m proud of how they reacted, and of their sacrifice.
    I hope United 93 is the biggest movie of the year. The Passion was tough to watch also (it turns my stomach just to think of the whipping scene, and of how long it was), but the message was worth that difficulty, and it will be the same with United 93.

  9. If nothing else, we owe it to those heroes, to honor their memories…the real first responders in the War on Terror. Or else we’ll be living the quote, “The further we get away from September 11th, the closer we get to September 10th.”

  10. Too many in america have forgotten. With the anti-americanist on the left carrying on about fictitious tourture, aiding and abetting the enemey (through the publishing of inteligence methods) and proclaiming ad nasium the erronious assertions that the CIC had lied to go to war. Those who forgotten need to see it again. They need to relive the rage which followed the attack. They need to get angry again. They need to remember what was forgoten. Because our enemy has not forgoten.
    Best Regards, CHOW

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