If there’s one aspect of my life I don’t discuss, its my taste in music.
I love country music. I love that it has lyrics. That people play real instruments. And that you can go hours without hearing the phrase “Baby baby. Ooooh yeah”
That has now come to an end. KZLA, my favorite radio station has gone Pop.
At this point in time I am investigating satellite radio and HD radio.
I’d like any feedback on your experiences with XM or Serius.
Thank you.
Archive of entries posted on 20th August 2006
Today’s Simpsons Trivia
1) In “Summer of 4’2″,” what do Lisa’s friends decorate Homer’s car with?
2) (T/F) When Moe turns the bar into a restaurant, he renames it Mister Moe’s
3) What does Milhouse trade Bart’s soul for at the comic shop?
4) Lisa discovers that town founder Jebediah Springfield had what unusual prosthesis?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.