The IMAO Podcast is still on hiatus, but I have an irresistible urge to finish up the rest of the states in the Fun Facts About The 50 States series, so I’m going to forge ahead – hopefully on a weekly schedule.
Should the podcast return, this is the list from which I’ll pick & choose my favorite items to record.
(continued in extended entry…)
Archive of entries posted on 21st August 2006
Fun Trivia
Make Everyday Doomsday!
The world ends tomorrow or something, so you better check out our podcasts now if you haven’t done so already.
Because the Olive Garden franchise owner balked at their first idea: Mussolini’s Cafe
Q: So what the best thing to eat at Hitler’s Cross in Mumbai, India?
If It Weren’t for the Support of Our Wives
When Michael Brown found an object in the Kuiper belt larger than Pluto (which could soon become known as our twelth planet under a new proposal), the first person he called to announce his discovery was his wife. And her reaction ot the momentus occasion was:
Continue reading ‘If It Weren’t for the Support of Our Wives’ »
Frank Ideas to Help Fight Terrorism
Everyone these days hates terrorists, but most people don’t know what they can personally do to help kill terrorists. Since I’m here to help, here are some tips.
* Stand outside a mosque and do the “I’m watching you” hand signal to anyone entering or exiting.
* If you see anyone who looks Arab on a flight, report it to the captain.
* Wear a “Terrorists should die; ask me why” button. (available soon from the IMAO store)
* Report any suspicious, terrorist-like activity — such as reading the New York Times — to the FBI.
* If you run a restaurant, make sure all items have bacon in them to keep away terrorists.
* When visiting neighbors, check their bookshelves for a Koran. If one is spotted, immediately flee and call the police.
* If you hear someone speaking French, punch him in the face. Speaking French may not help terrorists, but it sure seems like support of terrorism.
* When leaving a parking lot, checks underneath your car and the cars next to you for a bomb. If you see anything you don’t recognize, leave a note on the person’s car saying, “You have a bomb.” Make sure to put a smiley face on the note since you’re being helpful.
* If you see a reporter, beat him with any nearby blunt object. He was probably about to do a news report that would embolden terrorists.
* If you see a terrorist, kill him.
If you have other ideas, put them in the comments.
Remember: Only you can prevent terrorism.
Someone Tell Me Who to Vote For
I don’t watch local news, and now I realize the Florida primary is coming up and I know pretty much nothing about the candidates. There is going to be a competitive race for both the governor (I’m gonna miss Jeb) and for Senate (as long as Kathleen Harris doesn’t win the primary; she was treated horribly unfairly in 2000 and now she has a seat in Congress… but that doesn’t mean she deserves a suicidal run for the Senate when we have a good chance of taking down the incumbent), so I need a way to figure what candidates to vote for. Where the best place to get concise information on local candidates, and does any fellow Floridians have opinion on the candidates involved?
My Congressman is Republican Dave Weldon, BTW, and there won’t even be a real race in his case.
Today’s Simpsons Trivia
1) (T/F) The first prank Bart ever pulled on Homer was to light his tie on fire
2) In Skinner’s office, what kind of plant is directly opposite his desk?
3) From where did Bart steal a military tank?
4) What valuable thing did Homer once use to wax the car?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.