When trolls go on long rants in the comments section, I find myself just skipping what they wrote, and I bet a lot of you do the same. That’s not fair to people who take the time to add content to IMAO. So, to encourage thorough reading of the trolls, we have fun new IMAO game!
Sometime, I may secretly add sentences into a troll’s rant. The challenge for you is to identify those added sentences hidden amongst the original sentences. I added sentences to a rant today, and I added sentences to rant from yesterday as well.
Oh, and there is a secret indication of what rants I added sentences to. See if you can figure out the signal!
Also, no fair pointing out the added sentences if you wrote the rant.
Fun game! Play now!
Archive of entries posted on 22nd August 2006
End the Fear-Mongering: Facts About Muslims
Everyone seems scared of Muslims and terrorists these days. So many people these days when passing a a mosque will wonder if people inside are plotting against the country. On one flight in the UK, people were thrown off just for speaking Arabic. What that means is we have a culture of fear. To combat that, I’ve compiled this list of facts about Muslims and terrorists to end all the irrational fear people have of their fellow Muslims.
FACT: Only 45% of mosques are primarily filled with terrorists.
FACT: Of any Muslim you see on the street, there is only a 30% chance he is currently thinking about killing you.
FACT: Islam means “peace”… or something similar. If any Muslim murders you, then he is going against what his own religion somewhat means.
FACT: While Islam may seem abusive or demeaning to women, 100% of Muslim women love it that way as reported by their husbands (the women were not allowed to speak… and, according to their husbands, they didn’t want to either).
FACT: While killing yourself and others for some perverted sex dream involving 72 virgins might seem crazy to us, studies show that people who work towards concrete goals are more successful in life.
FACT: Most Muslim terrorists are secretly gay, anyway, and only act like they want 72 virgin women out of peer pressure.
FACT: If you overhear someone speaking Arabic on a plane, there is a less than 15% chance that person is talking about taking down the aircraft.
FACT: Even if they do take down the aircraft, there was a 0.0001% chance it was about to crash anyway.
FACT: Most terrorism goes against the teachings of Islam since terrorists often use more explosive power that was dictated to be allowable by the prophet Mohammed.
FACT: The prophet Mohammed was a humanitarian who saved nearly as many babies as he killed by the sword.
FACT: It is expressly forbidden by the Koran to beat someone to death with a Koran.
FACT: You are much more likely to be killed at a crosswalk by a careless Jew driving his fancy car than be killed by a Muslim terrorist.
FACT: Joooooos!
FACT: Most Muslims would hate it if all infidels were murdered and rather have infidels simply pay a tax – a “Don’t Murder Me” tax.
FACT: The tax for not being murdered by Muslims would most likely be much less than the taxes you pay on gasoline a year.
FACT: Though Muslims do want Jews pushed into the sea, they don’t necessarily want them all to drown.
FACT: Muslims are the most likely victims of Muslims murderers. Thus Muslims help eliminate the threat of Muslims.
FACT: Though Muslims do want to take over your country and put it under Islamic law, that doesn’t mean they want to kill you.
Now that you have the facts on your side, you have no more reasons to be afraid.
Italy Loves IMAO!
Hank: By the way, Homer, what’s your least favorite country: Italy or France?
Homer: France.
Hank: [chuckles] Nobody ever says Italy. [sets the coordinates of a giant laser gun]
France loves Jerry Lewis, but Italy loves IMAO. If you happen to be in Italy today, pick up a copy of Libero to see an interview with me (it’s in the “Cultura” section with the title “Prodi? Vincerà il prossimo Tour de France”). I have the PDF of the page with the interview on it, so I’ll try to get it up later.
Of course, it will still be in Italian, but at least you can stare at the words and just imagine how funny I am.
Is he here yet? Is he here yet?
Lots of worry over this 12th imam thing going around…
The words you are reading might be your last. That is, if you believe the apocalyptic speculation of Internet surfers and Middle East analysts who claim that today Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hopes to spark the final conflagration in order to usher in the Islamic messiah.
Ahmadinejad is due Tuesday to deliver Iran’s response to an international incentive program offered in exchange for the country curbing its nuclear program. The date, August 22, also marks the prophet Muhammad’s ascension to heaven and coincides with Saladin’s conquest of Jerusalem.
Not to be left out of the loop, Frisky’s keeping an eye out for the 12th imam on our patio…

Do you see him? Is he out there?

No imam. Okay, Frisky. You can take a break.

He’s such a good little boy. He’ll get lots of treats when I get home tonight.
The Ever Evolving IMAO
I guess it’s official; spacemonkey finally got our Trackbacks working again. Yay him.
Anyway, I’ve made the “Digg this” link less obtrusive and added del.icio.us links ala Blackfive. I’ve just begun playing with del.icio.us, and it adds some buttons to your Firefox browser (the official browser of IMAO) that allows you to quickly bookmark sites and then you can share your bookmarks or something. I’m not sure how it all works, but maybe I can use it to get a blogroll up again (or a “Here’s What Frank J. is reading” list). My username on it is Frank_J (someone already stole FrankJ), BTW.
Now to get the horrendous mess of old junk that is our sidebars…
Oh, and I know I had a post idea for today…
Today’s Simpsons Trivia
1) In the weekly opening sequence, who is on the TV’s in the shop window?
2) Who is the little guy who looks like Krusty and plays the squeeze-box?
3) What nervous fellow is seen in several different jobs, but is never good at any of them?
4) What real-life person, mentioned in “Bart vs. Thanksgiving”, died in 1998 at the age of 108?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.