If Mel Gibson had been arrested by a female cop with breast implants, would he have called her “sugar-substitute tits” ?
Archive of entries posted on 1st August 2006
Why Must They Be So AntiSemitoPhobic???
I believe it’s important to tolerate people who are different than ourselves. That’s why I am disappointed in Hollywood’s reaction to the Mel Gibson arrest. In My Humble Opinion, there is no place in this world for this trend that I’m seeing: AntiSemitoPhobia.
Why must we have this AntiSemitoPhobia? Why must we hate people because they are “different”?
Mel Gibson is an Anti-Semite? So what if he Prefers the Company Of Christians?
For those of you who haven’t heard — Actor/Director Mel Gibson was arrested for driving drunk. While in the squad car, he went on a long IownthistownwhodoyouthinkyouarethedamnJewscontroleverything
heyyouaren’tJewishareyouyoudon’tlookJewishmylifeisover type of rant. This is acknowledged by everyone, except for Mel’s father who is a Jewish Slur Denier.
Hollywood then responded by taking away film projects. They did this under the old “you haven’t given us a script in two years so it’s not really a movie” excuse. Some people blame Anti-Semitism. Personally, I blame the Jews.
Hollywood, you should learn to not be so judgmental. Acceptance of all belief systems without judgement is The Way.
At a recent Anti-Semite Pride Parade, some Anti-Semites offered this opinion: “Maybe people who are AntiSemitoPhobic are afraid that they themselves are just a little bit Anti-Semite.”
So please have a heart, Hollywood. If you can accept the wife beaters, wife killers, child molesters, gerbil lovers, gays, lesbians, transsexuals, undecideds, party animals, party sluts, coke addicts, alcoholics, gold-diggers, casting couch sleepers, Oprah couch jumpers, and washed up singers who troll for gay sex in the public park — then maybe you could find a little place in your heart for someone who doesn’t always like Jews.
Especially when he’s been drinking.
Mel Gibson
Q. How will Jews know that Mel Gibson’s apology to Jews around the world for anti-Semitic slurs blaming all the wars in the world on Jews is heartfelt and genuine?
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If Only It Had Been Eleven Days!
I just noticed this when reading a post on Malkin’s site about the Seattle shooter:
He bought two handguns, waited 10 days to get them, and picked them up just the day before the shooting, police say.
Wow, that waiting period sure worked out great. So how many days does it take to cool off from Jew-hatred?
BTW, the Malkin post is about how the shooter had supposedly converted to Christianity. There is some evidence that he was not a practicing Christian at the time of the shooting, though. For one, he was shooting random people; this is frowned upon by the teachings of Christianity. Second, he said, “I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel” – not a very common phrase for Christians.
Prayer Vigil For Castro
He Can’t Die! We Didn’t Get to Kill Him!
It will be cool if Fidel Castro dies in time for my upcoming three-day weekend; then SarahK and I can head down to Miami for the big celebration. Whenever he finally keels over, I will smoke a cigar for the occasion no matter what SarahK says (though it will probably be done quietly on the back porch).
Still, it feels like such a shame that Castro gets to die from some horrible ailment rather than our hands. I mean, we’ve had this Communist country right next to us for so long, and we’ve never killed the blasted dictator (not to mention his American sympathizers). We could practically snipe the guy from Key West, and yet he’s lived this long.
Back in the day, the CIA had plans for assassinating Castro, some of which they tried. Here is the most comprehensive list I have of them, as moot as they may soon be:
* Exploding Cigar: This was the obvious one: get Castro to smoke an exploding Cigar. He takes a couple puffs while surveying the misery he’s caused to his country, and BOOM! There goes his head! Ha! It’s funny because he wouldn’t expect it! Unfortunately, he stopped smoking cigars for health reasons… health reasons of not wanting to smoke one of the exploding cigars the CIA left for him!
* Special Delivery: The plan was to send Castro a couple of boxes labeled “Bananas” (Castro loves his bananas). When Castro opened the crates, out would jump giant gorillas trained to tear the limbs off anyone who has a beard. Animal rights got wind of this plan and protested gorillas being locked in a crate for so long. This caused the program to be shut down. No one knows what happened to the gorillas or the limbs of the animal rights protestors.
* Exploding Celebrities: One habit Castro never quit was shaking hands with vapid celebrities who think the murderous Communist dictator is such a great guy. CIA planned to put a bomb on one of these celebrities that would go off when Castro shook his or her hand. This would be easy to do secretly since these celebrities are so vapid. A court ruled that the CIA wasn’t allowed to blow up vapid celebrities, though, and the implications of that ruling have haunted us to this day.
* Disappearing Beard: There was a plan to get a chemical on Castro that would cause his beard to fall off as he gave a speech. Then mobs of angry Cubans would beat him to death for being a phony. Unbeknownst to anyone at the time, something else fell off instead allowing many puns using his name “Castro”.
* Exploding Elian: If we couldn’t have Elian Gonzales, it was decided no one could. Thus a bomb was made to put on little Elian. When inevitably Castro would have a big public greeting of Elian before sending him off for reeducation, Elian would explode, taking out Castro with him. It seemed like an honorable end to that controversy, but then Attorney General Janet Reno nixed the plan – not because she was against blowing up children (she ate them on a regular basis) but because she was afraid it would make America look vindictive. Well, we are vindictive, you Brobdingnagian she-male!
* Just Shoot the Bastard: He was always appearing at the U.N. giving speeches, so why not just shoot him? It’s not like the U.N. could do anything about it, the impotent nit-wits. John Bolton was planning to do this next time he saw Castro, but now he may never get the chance. His mighty ‘stache is now wet with tears of opportunity lost.
Well, when Castro dies, I just hope we won’t have to put up with his ugly mug on t-shirts. And then maybe the Communist regime will fall and Cubans can take regular boats over here instead of risking their lives on rafts to escape Commie Cuba’s glorious “free healthcare”.
And Cuban cigars for all!
Reading on the Go
The second issue of Jim Baen’s Universe is now up on the site. In this issue, they actually have a Dune short story from Frank Herbert’s son (plus tons of other stuff). Check out the preview and think of signing up. A good SF short story magazine really helps new writers like me get my foot in the door.
BTW, I forgot to mention I replaced my phone with a PocketPC (which I currently am using to listen to music). With the MS Reader, I now have a number of novels (plus Jim Baen’s Universe) with me at all times. For someone like me who has trouble finding time to read, that really helps.
As for my short story submission, I probably won’t hear about that for another month or two. If they buy it (and I know a couple editors already like it) then it should be cool to see it in the magazine with illustrations. I could do my own illustrations, but my “Hat Means Frank J.” style of drawing is often considered too stylistic for the mainstream.
Also on the subject of me writing, I hope to begin rewriting Hellbender with a full novel in mind soon. You’ll probably get to see some chapters from it as that develops.
Be honorable, ronin, and I’ll think of writing something funny (“Why start now?” you say).

Help Save Science Fiction at Jim Baen’s Universe!
The Phrase “Tar Baby” Apparently Is a Tar Baby
And I’m using the racial epithet meaning there.
No, wait, the other one.
Anyway, I had never heard of the phrase before the Tony Snow blow up a couple months ago (I forget: did he apologize?) and am probably unlikely to adopt it for daily usage.
BTW, in a discussion on this subject from Eugene Volokh, I found this hilarious comment from DeezRightWingNutz:
There’s a sign near a ravine at a golf course I played with an Asian friend that said, “Caution, dangerous slope.”
We spent the next two holes debating whether it would be funnier to complain to management in mock indignation, or hide in the ravine and surprise the next foursome with some belligerent actions.
I’m glad this particular friend was with us, since the rest of us wouldn’t have dared “go there” if he wasn’t. I probably would have acted like I didn’t get the joke.
I know a number of people from college who probably would have loved to steal that sign for his dorm room door (or jokingly put it on the door of another Asian; those Chinese and Koreans on my floor freshman year were hurling slurs at each other all year).
IMAO EXCLUSIVE: Fidel Castro Assassinated on Death Bed
Today’s Simpsons Trivia
1) In which foreign country did the Simpsons appear in a game show?
2) When Mr. Burns goes to Scotland, what does he bring back?
3) Which Simpsons character says he was once a watch commander at Pearl Harbor?
4) Name four of the six members of the Springfield chapter of Mensa.
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.