Well Hedning, you’ve convinced me with your comic book debunking of the holocast. I guess all those survivors and GIs who discovered all those skeltons were under some type of comic book hallucinations too! Thank you for opening my eyes. Seig heil!
“We need not waste time or effort answering the deniers’ contentions. It would be never-ending to respond to arguments posed by those who freely falsify findings, quote out of context and simply dismiss reams of testimony. Unlike true scholars, they have little, if any, respect for data or evidence. Their commitment is to an ideology and their ‘findings’ are shaped to support it.” – Deborah E. Lipstad
“Remembering is a necessary rebuke to those who say the Holocaust never happened or has been exaggerated. Holocaust denial is the work of bigots, we must reject their false claims whenever, wherever and by whomever they are made.” – UN Sec. Gen. Kofi Annan
Frank, please forgive me for quoting Kofi Annan on your blog in a positive way. Stopped clocks, etc…
According to the red cross, the total deaths in the camps were 1.000.000 and mainly because of famine caused by the disruption of German infra-structure by the allied bombing. And that counts not only jews but also gypsies, homos, catholic priests etc.
In Auschwitz people there guaranteed that the “gas chamber” is as it was back then. Luckily the “jews” were kind enough, 2000 at a time, not to die near the door as it opens inwardly. The ziklon b has a tendency to adhere to surfaces and needs 24 hours airing of a place not to cause danger for anyone entering the place. There are no ehxaust fans, no holes, the doors were not hermetic. Interesting isn’t it?
Hednig, Du bist ein IDIOT des ersten Ranges. My Grandfather saw those camps, and he saw those survivors, and he saw how few of them there were. So STFU, Arschloch.
Am I saying nothing happened?
Capt, there are links to photographs.
What bothers me is the people who claim they were the victims of such horrid acts doing even worse to others.
Nobody likes to be duped. But what is this hoax compared to dogmatic religion?
How can there be such a thing as a Jewish state when everybody agrees on the anachronism of Islamic States.
What about Christian, Hindu, Pagan whatever religion states?
Enjoy your retarded fairy tale. There are literally millions of actual historical works by well you know experts? They have documented this to h*** and you expect us to give 7 brain cells worth of thought to this fly by night web based org? Please… is that your phone ringing? Probably the insane Iranian President calling you for ‘advice’ again.
Dawn,Do you have 7 brain cells? Wow, that’s 7 times as much as the average brainwashed American.
It was the Nazis who wanted a Jewish state to segregate them in any corner possible. When the Germans started to lose the war they abandoned the work camps and typhus raged on. If they wanted to kill all, wouldn’t it be cheaper and faster just to waste a bullet with each one. There was no need to build camps to kill people but to have near free labour.
Ahmadinejad is a neo-con puppet and he was one of the officers involved in the farse of the American hostages which led to Reagan’s election in what became known as the October surprise. Of course you can say that you have an October surprise every four years, ;D…
“Embracing the S.S.
Consequently, the Zionists brought Baron Von Mildenstein of the S.S. Security Service to Palestine for a six-month visit in support of Zionism. This visit led to a twelve-part report by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler?s Minister of Propaganda, in Der Angriff (The Assault) in 1934 praising Zionism. Goebbels ordered a medallion struck with the Swastika on one side, and on the other, the Zionist Star of David. In May 1935, Reinhardt Heydrich, the chief of the S.S. Security Service, wrote an article in which he separated Jews into “two categories.” The Jews he favored were the Zionists: “Our good wishes together with our official good will go with them.”[82] In 1937, the Labor “socialist” Zionist militia, the Haganah (founded by Jabotinsky) sent an agent (Feivel Polkes) to Berlin offering to spy for the S.S. Security Service in exchange for the release of Jewish wealth for Zionist colonization. Adolf Eichmann was invited to Palestine as the guest of the Haganah.”
Well, Nazis and Zionists agree with the idea of Jews in Palestine…
WTF?!?! Hedning, seriously, WTF?!? are you listening to yourself? So..the Nazis…and the Jews..were allies? Is that what you are trying to say here? Are completely F…stupid??? How ’bout you go back to DU with all the other Freaks.
Not allies, but they helped the zionists when the imigration to Palestine was suspended by the British in 1930 and to re-open it being one of the excuses the advent of Nazism. Fact: German emigration to Palestine: 1931-95000; 1933-32327; 1934-42359; 1935-62000, not including illegal imigration.
Israelis are mostly Askhenazs from Germany, Poland and USSR.
First countries to recognize Israel in 1947: U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. and that’s another fact.
I love…
Nah. He would’ve done the Braveheart motto-thing: “Every man dies- but not every man lives… especially lives to get a gander at those babies!”
Well Hedning, you’ve convinced me with your comic book debunking of the holocast. I guess all those survivors and GIs who discovered all those skeltons were under some type of comic book hallucinations too! Thank you for opening my eyes. Seig heil!
“We need not waste time or effort answering the deniers’ contentions. It would be never-ending to respond to arguments posed by those who freely falsify findings, quote out of context and simply dismiss reams of testimony. Unlike true scholars, they have little, if any, respect for data or evidence. Their commitment is to an ideology and their ‘findings’ are shaped to support it.” – Deborah E. Lipstad
“Remembering is a necessary rebuke to those who say the Holocaust never happened or has been exaggerated. Holocaust denial is the work of bigots, we must reject their false claims whenever, wherever and by whomever they are made.” – UN Sec. Gen. Kofi Annan
Frank, please forgive me for quoting Kofi Annan on your blog in a positive way. Stopped clocks, etc…
According to the red cross, the total deaths in the camps were 1.000.000 and mainly because of famine caused by the disruption of German infra-structure by the allied bombing. And that counts not only jews but also gypsies, homos, catholic priests etc.
In Auschwitz people there guaranteed that the “gas chamber” is as it was back then. Luckily the “jews” were kind enough, 2000 at a time, not to die near the door as it opens inwardly. The ziklon b has a tendency to adhere to surfaces and needs 24 hours airing of a place not to cause danger for anyone entering the place. There are no ehxaust fans, no holes, the doors were not hermetic. Interesting isn’t it?
Hednig, Du bist ein IDIOT des ersten Ranges. My Grandfather saw those camps, and he saw those survivors, and he saw how few of them there were. So STFU, Arschloch.
Am I saying nothing happened?
Capt, there are links to photographs.
What bothers me is the people who claim they were the victims of such horrid acts doing even worse to others.
Nobody likes to be duped. But what is this hoax compared to dogmatic religion?
How can there be such a thing as a Jewish state when everybody agrees on the anachronism of Islamic States.
What about Christian, Hindu, Pagan whatever religion states?
Enjoy your retarded fairy tale. There are literally millions of actual historical works by well you know experts? They have documented this to h*** and you expect us to give 7 brain cells worth of thought to this fly by night web based org? Please… is that your phone ringing? Probably the insane Iranian President calling you for ‘advice’ again.
Dawn,Do you have 7 brain cells? Wow, that’s 7 times as much as the average brainwashed American.
It was the Nazis who wanted a Jewish state to segregate them in any corner possible. When the Germans started to lose the war they abandoned the work camps and typhus raged on. If they wanted to kill all, wouldn’t it be cheaper and faster just to waste a bullet with each one. There was no need to build camps to kill people but to have near free labour.
Ahmadinejad is a neo-con puppet and he was one of the officers involved in the farse of the American hostages which led to Reagan’s election in what became known as the October surprise. Of course you can say that you have an October surprise every four years, ;D…
“Embracing the S.S.
Consequently, the Zionists brought Baron Von Mildenstein of the S.S. Security Service to Palestine for a six-month visit in support of Zionism. This visit led to a twelve-part report by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler?s Minister of Propaganda, in Der Angriff (The Assault) in 1934 praising Zionism. Goebbels ordered a medallion struck with the Swastika on one side, and on the other, the Zionist Star of David. In May 1935, Reinhardt Heydrich, the chief of the S.S. Security Service, wrote an article in which he separated Jews into “two categories.” The Jews he favored were the Zionists: “Our good wishes together with our official good will go with them.”[82] In 1937, the Labor “socialist” Zionist militia, the Haganah (founded by Jabotinsky) sent an agent (Feivel Polkes) to Berlin offering to spy for the S.S. Security Service in exchange for the release of Jewish wealth for Zionist colonization. Adolf Eichmann was invited to Palestine as the guest of the Haganah.”
Well, Nazis and Zionists agree with the idea of Jews in Palestine…
WTF?!?! Hedning, seriously, WTF?!? are you listening to yourself? So..the Nazis…and the Jews..were allies? Is that what you are trying to say here? Are completely F…stupid??? How ’bout you go back to DU with all the other Freaks.
Not allies, but they helped the zionists when the imigration to Palestine was suspended by the British in 1930 and to re-open it being one of the excuses the advent of Nazism. Fact: German emigration to Palestine: 1931-95000; 1933-32327; 1934-42359; 1935-62000, not including illegal imigration.
Israelis are mostly Askhenazs from Germany, Poland and USSR.
First countries to recognize Israel in 1947: U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. and that’s another fact.