Yes, I know the terrorists look like they’re dancing – YOU try drawing with a mouse!
Archive of entries posted on 14th August 2006
Please Welcome TracFone – Our newest Sponsor
I’d Trust Him with My Cats
Some may be worried about Raul Castro will be just as evil as Fidel Castro, but let it be known that Raul was never even indicted for heading a cocaine smuggling operation. Sounds like a stand up guy to me.
NOTE: I don’t like my cats.
Fun Facts About New Jersey
The IMAO Podcast is still on hiatus, but I have an irresistible urge to finish up the rest of the states in the Fun Facts About The 50 States series, so I’m going to forge ahead – hopefully on a weekly schedule.
Should the podcast return, this is the list from which I’ll pick & choose my favorite items to record.
(continued in extended entry)
Cell Phones
Me Hugo! Me Run Venezuela!
Is it just me, or is Hugo Chavez look like just some big dumb thug?
“Duuuuh, I’m gonna lower the price of oil.”
I can see this guy being the dumb muscle for a smarter dictator, but running a country? Come on!
Anyway, it seems like he’s aspiring to be a Castro henchman (here he is holding an odd phallic symbol for Castro). I could see that working for him.
“You anger Fidel! Hugo smash!”
Anyway, Bush should have a meeting with Hugo and punch him right in his big, dumb, ape face because that’s how we treat thugs in America. Thugs may push people around in other countries, but here we push thugs around.
Also, punching Hugo Chavez in the face could help Bush’s approval ratings; it would be pretty impossible to harm it, at least.
Cease-Fire Doesn’t Mean Cease-Fun
So, the Israelis have started their cease-fire, and now the IDF is all like, “Well, Frank, what do we do now?”
I don’t know why they’re asking me, though, as I don’t really like Jews. You see, my savior, Jesus, was last seen with a bunch of Jews before he mysteriously disappeared. Thus, I’ve always been suspect of Jews.
Still, I’m here to help – especially to help people suffering the pain of not being able shoot terrorists. So here are:
* Take an audio course on conversational Korean.
* Find a great sniping position.
* Catch up on seasons of Smallville.
* Better plan your next attack.
* Sudoku.
* Stabbing the enemy, punching the enemy, or anything else that doesn’t involve “firing.”
* Try to eat a six-foot hoagie in one sitting.
* Marinate your bullets in bacon grease.
* Learn to juggle.
* Run a pool on when the cease-fire will be broke.
Have fun, IDF!
Stuff, Yo
- I have up the new BlogAds 3.0 above my regular ads. It allows more ad options, including a cheap one that’s only text. So there you go.
- I put up a free ad for RightRoots which John Hawkins has been big in promoting. I’m all for getting good conservatives elected, but I want to make sure we only promote candidates with the correct stance on the issues of the @#$%ers (Proper Stance: Kill them). I’m not usually for litmus tests, but I’m not supporting anyone whose main platform isn’t “Kill the @#$%ers.”
- I have the new issue of Jim Baen’s Universe on my PDA (preview edition is here), and this time they have chapter select and all the images on the MSReader version. That’s cool, because, if they eventually buy my story, I’ll get to see a graphic of a cowboy fighting a dragon on my PDA… just like God intended. Anyway, make sure to check them out, because it’s great reading material for people who, unlike my wife, can’t just read Harry Potter over and over. Also, if my readers check out the magazine and subscribe, you make me look good. Everyone wins.
Help Save Science Fiction at Jim Baen’s Universe! - BTW, for those wondering about Hellbender, I have started writing the novel version. In a little while, I’ll probably put up some chapters. It will most likely be over at Baen’s Bar so I can get some more professional opinions.
- Heh™.
- Expect new (and re-released) IMAO t-shirts from soon, as we’re in the process of working on them. Also, I hope to add some more designs to our CafePress store (some of mine and some from Harvey and Ducky) soon and then finally get out the IMAO Newsletter with the official and definitive explanation of what IMAO stands for.
- SarahK and I should redouble efforts on finishing up the first In My World™ compilation, so hopefully that will be out soon. It will be a professional quality book with an ISBN number and a listing on and everything. Plus, it has cool cover art by the same person who did the Chomps t-shirt.
- I had put up e-mails I got threatening legal action if I didn’t take down some spam comments. Now I have this comment to that post:
Hi, Frank
I am Sam, the admin of MortgageFit. We are a mortgage community working towards the development of mortgage industry.
Few months ago, someone posted our link on your website (he may be our competitor). There is a link of my website in couple of pages. I will be highly obliged if you can do me a small favor by removing those links.
Thanks for your kind attention and time.
Sam Palmisan
That’s all I wanted; I just wanted to be asked nicely. I’ll go erase the spam now…
* Be honorable, ronin.
Today’s Simpsons Trivia
1) (T/F) Troy McClure plays the movie hero McBain
2) Where does Marge’s mom live?
3) What is chiseled into the stone under the sign for the Springfield Hall of Records?
4) What Springfield business has the slogan “For The Old Lady In All Of Us?”
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.
Perseid Meteor Shower
You probably didn’t realize it, but this is the time of the year for the Perseid Meteor Shower.
However, the new moon is making it difficult, not impossible, to view the spectacular annual nighttime show.
I asked FrankJ whether he could accelerate his plans to Nuke The Moon to resolve this astronomical problem.
His response was a terse: ‘Nuking The Moon is only for peace, not for a better view.”
I shall ponder FrankJ’s wisdom.
So, there’s like a cease-fire on. How does that work? I mean, do you just sit around and not shoot the other side? How is that supposed to kill terrorists?
This must have been some French idea…